Chapter 14

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***Cats POV

"It's good to be home," i sigh plopping on the couch with Andy.

He wraps an arm around me and pulls me into a hug, "yeah it is..."

He sounds hesitant.

"What's up?" I ask looking up at him. He has a hint of insecurity yet excitement In his expression.

He smiles and grabs my hands in his, "i need to talk to you about something."


"What is it?" I ask.

He said, "well were engaged... and you know after the tour, we have recording for the next few months for our new Unbroken album."


Andy goes on, "Well most of its done in Hollywood.. so I want you to

move in with me at my place in Cali. Well and Jake of course."

I laugh, "jake?"

"Yeah he lives with me in West Hollywood. CC stays with Ash, and of course Jinxx and Sammi," Andy shrugged.

I smile, "of course I'll move in with you and jake."

Andy gives me a kiss and we sit on the couch just enjoying each others presence.

***Skys POV

I clutch the wheel causing my knuckles to turn white and zone out while driving. Something doesn't feel right. Claire and mom are chatting softly and I take the turn onto my road. As we make our way to my drive way I gasp and slam on the breaks causing the tires to squeal and I jump out of the car, sprinting to the porch. Or what's left of it. My apartment is burnt to a thin layer of ash that covers the ground.

"No... NO!" I Yell as mom and Claire run towards me.

Claire gasps putting her hands to her mouth.

Mom runs my back, "it's going to be okay Sky."

I snap at her, "NO MOM! IT'S NOT! The letters... the fucking letters," I fall to my knees and start to sob.

Claire must of called someone because a cop comes over to us and explains everything to mom. I keep hearing one word over and over in my mind. Burner. Burner. BURNER.

I drag myself of off my knees and walk Into the ash. Everything...gone. Dads never going to pay. I'll never bring justice to my baby brothers suicide. The sun hits something in the ash that catches my attention and I walk towards it.

My heart stops when i see what it is and bend over it over.

The only picture I have of Christopher.

Smothered in ashes and burnt around the edges, the wipe it off still crying and close my eyes imagining the last time I saw him. WHY DIDN'T I TAKE HIM?! WHY?! I fall to my knees pressing the picture against my chest. I feel Claire wrap her arms around me and I struggle to push away but give in and cry onto her shoulder.

***Cats POV

I hang up the phone and jump out of Andy's arms.

"MOOOMM!" I scream so loud I'm sure the neighbors heard.

Mom, Carlos, Mae, and Joe run down the stairs with frightening expressions:

Andy jumps up, "whats wrong?"

"It's Sky.. we need to go NOW!" I tell running out to my car.

Andy jumps in as I'm pulling out,"what the hell is going on?"

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