Hidding Behind The Lies

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Xena POV

My head was down as I watched in front of me through my hair, while blasting Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down.

The name is Xena it sounds like it was spelled with a Z but it's with an X to piss people off. I'm 5'4 not short but not tall perfect for me. I have black hair with pink strips and a few blond but not to much of either. Pretty skinny and sadly a c cup a few piercings here and there and that pretty much makes me..... with one exception I am a crazy supernatural being. If I was just one thing I would be happy but noooo. It's like my mom was knocked up by every thing that was in the super natural world except demons. Apparently to her their "a bad fuck". That is what she told me when I was younger, yeah what a great mother she was.

"What up triple X?" My one and only friend Drake yelled pulling the head phones from my ears.

He was tall 6'2 maybe brown hair and deep brown eyes built but not to much with a lip piercing. Unlike me he had a million friends. He was the only one I talked to nicely that is sometimes. He knows a lot about me and more only cause he grew up knowing about the mythical world humans think is just a bed time story.

"Nothing much double D. Just reporting to hells prison and its jail mates." I answered looking ahead now.

"It's not that bad." He scratched the back of his neck sounding as if he was trying to convince him self as well.

"Not bad my ass I am still trying to get the freshman to take a hint and back off." sighing

"Won't be long till you break some bones will it?" He asked turning a corner making our way to the our lockers that happened to be next to each others.

"I didn't get Xena The Bone Braker title for nothing did I?" I asked pulling out what I needed for the worst class ever. Yup you guessed it Mental. Abuse. To. Humans. or math for short.

"No I guess you didn't later." He called out over his shoulder heading to class. Drake is a year ahead of me so we didn't have any classes together but we head lunch together.

The bell rang and I was late once again I wonder what today has in favor for me.

"Mrs.MoonStone, I see you are late to my class... again" He calls out to me in his usual monotone voice.

"Great, now we all know you can see more than the boobs of the sluts in the front row. Shall we continue with class then." I back talked as I made my was to my seat in the back away from every one with a few desk around me giving me a personal bubble kind of.

"I am a happily married man!" he bellows in frustration.

"And your still looking down girls shirts what a shame." I tisked while shaking my head back and forth.

"Go to the principles office right now!"

"Ok, do you want to staple a paper to my shirt to my mother how bad I was in class to day?" I snickered picking up my stuff heading to the door.

"Take this to your mother." He held out his hand with an envelope tight in his grasp.

I looked at the envelope then back to him with an 'are ya fucking with me right know' look before rolling my eyes I grabbed the paper and left the room behind not bothering to close the door behind me.

The rest of my classes went by quickly and it was finally lunch. I walked in and strait to the lunch line to get the food my stomach called for. I paid for the food that was stacked on my tray I went to find my only buddy. Setting my tray down in front of him he scooted back waiting for me to sit in his lap like always. No we never went out or like each other like that we are like family.

"Finally got her I see, nice going man you don't mind if we share right?" one of Drake friends comments most likely one who spends his time with the cheer leaders or the school STDS what ever you want to call them. But honestly not all of them are like that just a few and not all blonds. The head bitch has black hair shocker.

"Watch it O'Connor or I'll break your arm again." I muttered sending him a death glare. Making him go pale and leaning away from me.

"So what is my favorite anti social bad ass up to today?" Drake asked as if nothing happened and picks off my mound of food that was on my tray. You know this only happens everyday the usual threats and food stealing.

"Finally I have been set free of the hell's prison!" I yelled once we were a few blocks away from it and into the beautiful woods I call home.

"Want to go for a run?" Drake asked me taking off his hoodie and sweat pants. (chill he had shorts on)

"What kind of question is that? Are you sure you are my double D?" I asked feeling his forehead for a fever.

He slapped my hands away as he got ready to shift into his amazing black wolf. He was the Alpha of his pack and I am an nomad that owned a large part of land. They came on parts of my land and had to stay away from other more personal parts of it. The treaty was simple and we helped each other out. I dropped my bag on the grass while jumping up and shifting into my white wolf and its bright blue crescent moon before it faded to match my fur.

We shot forward making the trees and bushes zip past us and the breeze play with the fur we wore proudly.

Hello people how is it so far?

please leave suggestions in the comments


and of course



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