Chapter 8

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There is going to be a bloody scene ahead so if you don't think you can handle it then don't force your self to.

Xena POV

Ahead of me was Eric his limb body on the ground with his killer above him.

"ERIC!" my scream cut the silent air making everyone jump and his killer try to run for it.

Throwing my arms forward the vines wrapped around his body pulling his from the ground. The more he struggled the farther they would pull his limbs apart causing pain. I dropped to my knees by his body pulling him in to my lap. I checked for a pulse nothing, my heart shattered but I couldn't figure out why. I looked up at the man that hung above are heads. This man was on my land and killed one of my friends him and his pack are going to pay. I stood up and he came down to eye level with me.

"What pack are you from," I growled at him talking notice that my eyes are turning pitch black and the only white would be the reflection of the Sun.

"I am a rouge." he looked down saying this hitting he was lying.

"DON'T LYE TO ME!" My thundered threw the air with power that made the trees down and the man in front of me shake.

"Blood Stone Pack." so it's war he wants it is what he is going to get.

"put your hands over your ears and do not remove them no matter what till I say you can." I told them over my shoulder glaring at the man in front of me.

"You are in my land and you killed a friend so for both you must die a painful death." Calling upon my siren I screamed a pitch that would break glass.

(gory bellow)

He yelled with me but his was in the matter of pain. Blood started to trickle from his eyes, ears, mouth, nose. I heard a sickening crack of his neck moments latter his head popped off with the blood gushing out spraying all over my body as I fell to my knees shoulders shaking as tears rolled down my cheeks.


I felt a comforting hand on each of my shoulders belonging to Shaniqa and Blaze. I shifted into my wolf laying on my stomach nodding for them to put Eric on my back and climb on as well.

"You might want to hold on she goes fast." Shaniqa warned

"I think I can handle it." he snickered

"Start at a trot then shoot forward." She whispers in my ear.

"Hold Eric still I don't want to loose him." I mind linked her as I start to trot.

"I told you I could handle the speed."

"She is trotting." She states annoyed with him already.

I shot forward hearing him scream while Shaniqa laughed at him. Moments later we were standing in front of his pack house men standing protecting the women of the pack that ran to get inside and other men ran out to help some shifting. I slowly got down to the ground to let Blaze, Shaniqa, and a Eric off my back before shifting looking as I did before with the Blood and everything. I picked up Eric's limb body walking forward with my friends slightly behind me but not far enough to where they could not jump in to help out.

"I need to see his father now." My voice was calm but inside I was crashing down as they made a path for me to the packet doctor who sent a message to get his father to see me.

Moments later he came busting threw missing me and going straight for his son.

"Who brought him here?" his voice was firm but the tears in his eyes gave him away. I cleared my throat getting his attention, when he turned to me he relaxed a little before he spoke.

"Hello Xena."

"Hello one of my many fathers that ran out on me."

Thank you for the 1,077 reads last I checked thank you so much till next time sorry it's short

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