Chapter 2

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Xena POV

" Come on can we please take a break I am so tiered!" I whined looking up at him from my sitting position.

"Well you should have thought of that before you threw that ball of wind at me." Drake glared at me before pulling me up to my feet.

"You know that was funny. You were all like Xena wai- ahhh, face plant." I told him using my hands to show him what it looked like in mid air.

"I did not scream like a little girl you make it sound like." he defines him self while crossing his arms looking like a four year old.

"ok then I am going home now later." Skipping off past him in the direction of my home slowly.

"wait want dinner at my place? My mom wants to see you again see really likes you." He called after me making me stop at the subject of food. Slowly I turned to him looking over my shoulder and threw my hair I nodded.

" See I knew you would stop in the name of food, plus we are having stake."

"Alright you got me take me to the land of the food" I jumped on his back and wrapped my arms around his neck, "on ward unicorn to the place we call home." I yelled in his ear making him wince.

"You know for a bad ass you are really weird." He tells me like I didn't already know as we continued forward.

"You and your family are the only once I can be my self around" And its true Drake is an only child so when he met me and I trusted him his parents practically adopted me as their own. So now we are like a family that I never had. I was pulled from my thoughts when my head hit the frame of the door.

"OW YOU BUTT MUNCHER THAT WAS MY HEAD DUDE!!" I screamed grabbing my head and its throbbing pain.

"Xena is that you love? Why are you holding your head like that?" she asked looking from me to Drake and back to me.

"Well your lovely son here just tried to give me a concussion using your door frame." I jabbed my thumb to the door while having a glare battle with Drake.

"Well go wash up we are having company tonight and I want you guys to be on your best behavior." Scolds just like any mother would.

We ran up satires to the bathroom to wash our hands when we heard the front door bell ring. We crept quietly to the stair case and listened to the conversation that was going on down stairs.

( ok the mother will have this © next to it and the person at the door is this ® )

© "Hello, please come in my name is Caroline and this is my husband Troy."

shuttles of feet as they make their way in. I grabbed my iPod from my back pocket and typed a message to Drake.

How many people did she invite? which he responded with a simple shrug.

® "Hello, I know you have a son and I would like the introductory to begin when he is present it saves time." He explains to Caroline in his deep power filled voice.

© "Oh yes of course I'll call them down." We heard her feet approach the stairs as we got up and went to Drake 's room and wait for the call.

© "Kids would you please come down here our guests have arrived!" she calls up to us even thought we already knew. Jumping off the bed we made our way to the door to make our way out of the room and to the living room.

® "I couldn't help but notice that you made it plural as in there is more than one kid."

© "Yes but don't worry the secret is safe." she assures him as we made our way down.

"Hello mom." Drake and I greeted at the same time (she insist that I call her mom when I am over at the house) as we entered the room together.

® "Oh so they are mates?" He guessed making Drake and I's face twist in disgust as we looked at each other and shuddered.

"No we are like family she is my best friend and I hers." He explains calmly better than I would have.

"Well shall we get on with the introduction." Drake s mother broke the silence that made its way to the room.

"Yes, A am Alpha Ron this is my beta Mike, my third in command Jason, my best fighter Eric, and my wolf worrier Mason who is twins with Jason." The group smilled and nodded their head as their names were called out.

"Well you know our names this is my son Drake and his friend Xena." Drake shakes hands with them while I gave them a simple nod of the head.

"Why is she so stiff and giving us all glares?" Jason and Mason ask at the same time proving that they are twins.

"She doesn't like you guys." Drake 's dad stated simply as he look down lovingly at his wife that was in his arms.

"Why she knows nothing about us." Mike throws in.

"That's what she doesn't like. Until she knows you then you are she dislikes you." Drake starts "And she has a bit of a trust problem." his mom cuts in.

"A bit?" Drake and his father say at the same time earning glares from his mother and I.

"Um moving on we were wondering about the land on the other side of the river." Alpha Ron Brakes in making my whole body tense at the sound of my home.


Hello readers will you please

(Gets on knees and clasp hands together)





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