Chapter 4

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"Must we return to this hell hole every day Monday through Friday?" I glared at the school in front of me as I walked along side Drake.

"About school I have some news for you." he paused as if he wanted to know if that was ok with me before he continued which I gave a little nod so he could continue.

"Well the men from last night except Alpha Ron will be going to this school." he chuckled lightly rubbing the back of his neck when I stopped dead in my tracks eyes wide as they could get. I looked at him as if he was crazy.

"What else did you tell then to make you so squrmish?" My voice sounded as if I was possessed by some dude that found out his girl was being touched by some dude who spends his time with a big group of meth smokers.

"Its not what I told them more of what they told me." he shrugged is shoulders while weighing is hands from side to side. I gave him a look 'spit it out already' as I began to walk again already getting dark glares and frightful cringes as they moved aside for me.

The bell rang as students split to their classes trying not to be late. Drake looked at me ready to burst as he took a couple steps back and finally told me what was going on.

"Ericandthetwinshaveallthesameclassasyoubye." he rushed as he took off running like a cat running from a bath. My eye brows dipped down as I thought of the last thought. Wtf Is going through my mind. The bell rang again showing I was late to class. I walked slowly as I retook what Drake said slowly.

'Eric and the twins have all the same classes as you bye' my eyes went wide then to slits that boy is so getting it at practice today. I walked into the class room not giving a crap that the teacher was talking to someone in front of the door.

"Glad you could join us Mrs.---" he didn't get to finish for I interrupted him with my back to him.

"Shut it baldy." I finished my walk to my seat and sat down as I glared up at the teacher making him squirm and stutter a little.

"W w w would you guys p p please introduce your self." while backing away and behind his desk where he thinks he is safe from me. Let me clear things up a bite last month a girl had the nerve to call me a spoiled bitch. So me being me I attacked her so during some time I was pulled off with the help of half the football team and a few police officers. She was rushed to the hospital while every teacher who saw the fight in reality or in the internet was scared shitless to be honest it was pretty bad there was blood every where.

The three desk around me were pulled closer and occupied by the twins and Eric while all the girls glared at me.

"Do you have a fucking problem or do I need to beat the shit out of you." I glared at any one who dared make eye contact some of them were smart enough to look away. Fear radiated off the walls of the room but there was something else. Proud some one was proud of me or the fact they didn't shit their pants.

Each and every class was hell filled with threats and the closeness of three unwanted boys.

lunch finally but I was not looking for food no I am looking for two people first a football jock that was hitting on me and slapped my butt and second Drake for leaving me the wonderful surprise. -_- I walked around the halls looking for Davis when I spotted him pining a girl to a locker as she fought as much as she could with little success. I dropped my bag and took a couple of steps back before running forward. I jumped pulling my feet and kicked him in the side of the head which sent him flying away from the girl and into the floor.

Landing on my back I listened to his groans of pain when I was pulled up. I looked at her closely she was a really pretty black girl with deep brown eyes.

"Hey thanks, my name is Shaniqa what's yours." at this time Davis was on his feet and coming at us but Shaniqa hadn't let go of my arm. He swung at my face as I leaned away from it getting the attention of Shaniqa getting her to let go.

"I -duck- don't -lean- think- punch- it's the best time -round kick- to do -get punched- this -kick to the ribs sends him to the ground."

"My name is Xena, nice to meet you." with that I turned on my heels ready to walk away.

"Um I was wonderin if we could be friends?" the last word stopped me dead in the tracks. I sniffed the air to check if she was a wolf before I turned to her.

"What pack are you from who is your Alpha?" My voice low so only she could hear.

"Alpha Drake from the Blood Stone Pack." she answered cheerfully as I checked her eyes to see if the held the truth.

"Very well but I need you to know a few things 1 I am violent and a prankster so be aware that with me you will get into a lot of trouble but I will help you 2 I have only one true friend so bare with me hear so to earn my trust you must prove it 3 I may be a crazy phyco bitch but I will always have your back." She nodded with a glint of pure happiness in her eyes.

I guess today I just made a new friend.


I am sorry if these chapters are shoot don't him me with a plain

yeah I had a dream where this person in front of me was hit by a plain ON THE GROUND

so yeah thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it

latter TACOS of the world!!!

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