Chapter 5

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I would like to dedicate this chapter to my very first follower catiscool THANK YOU VERY MUCH follow me I follow you.

ok story time

Xena POV

I walked into the launch room with Shaniqa close behind when I spotted Drake at the lunch table. I stopped forming an evil plan as I stayed close to the ground hoping he won't see me.

"ok you see that boy that looks like he is having a lot of fun in the black hoodie." she nodded "Great what ever happens keep video taping and don't stop."

She grabbed my phone and hit the record button as I stocked closer to our enemy. As I got closer I listen to what he was saying and froze. My 'friend' was giving away some of the most embarrassing moments of my child hood to people a barely know. Standing up got all the boys that were listening to him stop and look at me smiles slowly slipping from their face as they tried to shut Drake up.

I tapped Drake on the shoulder to get his attention as he turn to look behind him I jumped twisted and kicked him in the face forcing him to the floor. I put my weight on his chest as I punched his face till he bleed. I might have kept going if it wasn't for the arms wrapped around my waist pulling me away from him. I felt shocks run threw me hinting that who ever this was is either my mate or a tazer again. Drake sat up and fell to his hands and knees making it easy to kick him in the face throwing him on his back.

"You and your pack off my land and if I see any of you again I will kill on sight for trespassing on my land am I clear." Growled at him making him shake with fear for a good reason. He knew I was holding back on what I could do to him and anyone else.

l walked past Shaniqa who just stopped the video and followed me out.

"Yo man what's wrong?" she accurately sounded concerned which took me be surprise me.

"I just kicked every one from the Blood Stone Pack out of my lands any who oppose with be killed on sight." I looked her dead in the eye with sadness in my heart.

"I am sorry to end our friendship like this. It was nice to meet you." with a nod the bell rang and I was on my way to class. I was walking in to my last class when I heard whispers through the halls.

"That's Shaniqa that trader let's jump her after school." those were the whispers I heard that stopped when I turned around. Shaniqa was looking down as she walked away from the crowed. I grabbed her arm and pulled her to the side of the lockers glaring at everyone anywhere near.

"Beat it!" I screamed at all of them in the hallway then I turned back to Shaniqa.

"Want to tell me what all this is about what's going on. Why are they all calling you a trader?" My voice low but stern as I looked her in the eyes hoping I will get the truth.

"I left the Blood Stone Pack so I could hang out with you to stay friends with you." she whispered as she looked down at the ground.

"come on let's go." I wrapped my arm threw hers and pulled her away from the lockers.

"Where are we going?" she walked with me easily.

" Well I don't feel like being here and you are being called a trader so I thought this would be the best time to skip class." I respond walking out the front doors.

We walked all the way home and was about to cross the river when I was pulled to a sudden stop making me almost fall on my butt. I looked at her then the water and back to her.

"Why did you stop." I whined trying to pull her forward.

"Alpha Drake told us that if we ever crossed this then we would die a terrible and pain full death. To be honest I don't want to die yet."

"First never say his name in my presents, second I own that land so you are perfectly safe with me." I smiled pulling her along with me.

"There isn't a bridge and I ain't gonna be walkin threw dat water."

"That is part of the secret I will show you on the other side of this river." she looks unconvinced but listened either way.

I made the water rise above and make a bridge for us to cross. I looked at her to see her eyes practically popping out of her head. We walked across carefully giggling as she played with the water that created the bridge under us.

"So can I see your wolf?" I asked once we were across.

"Look I haven't shifted I don't have a wolf." she looked down at the ground embarrassed " I understand if you don't want to be my friend I guess I will just go." She started to turn around when I stopped her.

" I have an idea. Come here." I lead her to a spot I knew no one would see us. "What ever you do I need you not to panic." she nodded as. I give her the directions to do the experiment.

"Great now put your hands out and cup them. Now close your eyes and look when I tell you to." she nodded with her eyes closed. I pulled up from a near by pond and formed it into a ball then placed it in the palm of her hands. Slowly I pulled away as the water floated in her hands.

"Ok open your eyes but keep your heart beat normal. I know it sounds weird but a lot of people panic." she did as I said slowly and looked with a gasp.

"How am I doing this?" I smiled greatly and almost squealed with glee.

"You are a water nymph they are very rare and extremely dangerous when messed with. There are different kinds of nymphs I will tell you about later but now I want you to connect to the water and turn it to ice."

"How do I do that?"

"Think of ice?" she did as told and threw the ice ball across the field.

"FUCK!" A shout came from the trees and we stiffened for two different reasons as we came closer to the noise.

"Well look what we have here...."

Ah snap

thank you for reading I am sorry they are so short this thing I am doing it on makes it look long so yeah later

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