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Xena POV

We talked for hours before I kicked him off my land and put up a shield so he couldn't come back. Just to check that he couldn't I pulled my shirt up just bellow my bra. His eyes went black as he came back to me only to by pushed back to the ground. Yeah I am a bitch. I crossed back over the river to Shaniqa who tackled me to the ground.

"Your house is amazing you have to come unlock it." She squealed pulling me in to a cave that was covered in vines hiding the door like hole. We pushed back the vines and walked threw to a meadow and a huge house in the middle of it. It took my breath away and it was abandoned. We walked inside and looked around before I looked at the table that sat against the wall with two Windows was a note.

Dear Xena

When you read this I am most likely gone. I was a bitch to you and I beat you and I am sorry. I have left you this house and a warning, love your mate trust him/her please be a him. They're going to find you and you will have to be the one to stop them. You are a powerful girl and I could never be more proud I Love You

one of your many dads

P.S your mom was a whore See ya soon


"Hey can I live here with you?" Shaniqa asked from the top of the stairs. I only nodded with a small smile as I climbed the stairs making my way to the top floor. I opened the last door and admired my new room every thing is black and red. There was a huge flat screen tv that hung across the bed with a black couch in front of it. The bed was a king Canadian with a plush bedding that looked softer than clouds. My walk in closet was full of cloths and shoes with jewelry. I felt so drained thank God it was Thursday say that cause I never go to school on Friday to much work.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the next morning~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The sun light shined in my eyes as I sniffed the air. oooo fresh bacon yum. I skipped down the stairs to kitchen where Shaniqa was flipping pancakes.

"What's cooking good lookin?" I plopped down on the bar stool facing her.

"Bacon, scrambled eggs, pancakes, biscuits, thank you." I laughed as she made my plate and set it before me.

"We better hurry if we are going to make it to school on time." I shook my head as I continued to eat.

"I don't go to school on Fridays so I can train." I put my dishes in the dishwasher. She nodded as we cleaned up the kitchen from this mornings mess.

"Can you teach me to us my powers?"

"Sure." We walked out side and I shifted in to my red wolf rare powerful and deadly that's me. I moved my head giving her the sign to get on my back as I got on my stomach so she could get on easier. once she was firmly on I took off to the water full surrounded by a tall like wall keeping it hidden. Wow every thing on my land is hidden in some way or another.

"Ok next time I would like a heads up before you take off with me on your back." she huffed walking up to the edge of the water. shifting back I used my witch side to put my cloths on and joined her by the water.

"I need you to get in the water and see if you can stand up." she walked to the of the pool and stood there facing me.

"Good this might be a bit easier for you than it was for me." climbing on the rocks so it made it a bit easier to show her the motions for a water attack.

She was doing really well so I turned my back for a second to make a Apple tree for us to eat as a snack. once it was in full bloom and the apples ripe I took a step to the side to examine the tree when Shaniqa's voice rippled threw the air.

"Watch out!" I turned around to see a ball of water hurtling at me. I fell in to the water and felt my legs form in to a tail. I made my way to the surface for a breath of air and to show Shaniqa that I am ok.

"OMG YOU HAVE A TAIL A GOLD TAIL. WHAT THE FUCK!" this is what I am greeted with when I get there.

"Can you not scream it could being people here and I don't want that." I told her pulling my self up on to a rock.

"How about we take a break and head home." We had walked about a mile talking about random things even about talking apples yeah that was weird.

A battle cry was heard from my left when I was tackled to the ground by a guy that looked like he stepped put of a movie. or in other words he was hot. he was sitting on top of me with a ball of fire hovering in his hand. I moved my hand and the three limbs wrapped around his torso yanking him off me.

"This is were you fucked up. First you attacked on unknown lands when you could have just passed through unknown, second you don't know who lives here or their power limits, and lastly you hesitated never hesitate kill if your going to kill or stay unknown." I glared at him " I have been there done that and if it wasn't for the fact you are needed you would be dead." I could feel the fear rolling of them as I asked the trees to put him down.

I walked with him getting to known him trusting him when I felt a burning pain in my chest. Falling to my knees grabbing my chest I could feel Blaze (the guy that tackled me) and Shaniqa trying to comfort me when I looked up I saw the worst sight of my life.

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