The snog that breaks a heart.

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{RE-EDITED 14th of May 2016}

Harry still hadn't a clue on what to do, and to add to frustration the first Hogsmeade was tomorrow and knowing what he usually did, was go with Ron and Hermione, but maybe he might as Ginny might go with him? After all there friends right?  Puff!!  Yeah right friends thought Harry bitterly. He wanted more then friendship on his mind but what would Ron think? He doesn't like Dean much and what if Harry and Ginny did date? What if they broke up?  These thoughts haunted Harry. But Ron always said he rather Harry than any other bloke, maybe Harry had a chance.

"Harry?" Spoke a very familiar person. Turning to look  where the source of voice was coming, there stood Cho Chang much to Harry's liking. But something hit Harry's mind an idea. Ask Cho to Hogsmeade? Why not sure and test Ginny to see if she still has a tiny bit of feelings for him. After all he didn't just have feelings for Ginny, he realised he really liked her. A lot.  "Hey Cho " Harry greeted back politely. "Harry how are you?" Cho asked. "Good and you?" Harry replied smiling.

Harry's POV

No I'm not gonna use Cho no way. "So Harry I was wondering..." Cho blushed. Oh great, what does she want? What did I do? "Are you going Hogsmeade ?" She asked in her sweet voice. Smiling at her I spoke, "I am what about you?"  Her face lit up weirdly might I add and that made her smile wide.  "Wanna hang around?" She asked a bit nervous. I nodded unsurely at this and she smiled. I'm not technically using her, so this doesn't count plus if Ginny's going I'll watch out for her. "Ok I'll see you at breakfast in the hall tomorrow and we walk from there?" she asked. I nodded and got up waving goodbye to Cho.

As I walked I remembered the time we kissed in the room of requirement. What a wet kiss it was. She was crying and I tried to comfort her over Cedric. Then that incident with Umbridge and she told on us but I forgave her for that kind of. "Harry where have you been?" Hermione's stern voice pierced through me.  I looked at her and spoke, "chilling around the castle mother" I emphasised the mother part as she rolled her eyes at me. "I was looking for you to ask you are you going to Hogsmeade tomorrow with us, Ginny's tagging along with us"  My face dropped. Ginny's coming with us!!?? Why didn't anyone tell me!! Now I have Cho to 'hang with'

"What did you do?" She asked. "Nothing" I shook my head. I can't cancel my 'hang out' with Cho.  "Tell me" Hermione's voice rattled through my ears. "Cho and I are going to Hogsmeade together" Her face dropped and her eyes widened. "You're not together?" She asked sounding not so pleased whatsoever.

Hermione is the only one who knows my crush on Ginny. We'll she figured it out, bloody hell she's too smart for her own good. "No we're hanging out like I don't know Hermione honestly I was going to ask Ginny but she's with Dean. It would be weird if I came out of the blew and asked her to Hogsmeade" I sighed. "You could Harry it wouldn't be weird" She tried to reason with me.  "Oh yeah I'll just go up to her and say ' hey Ginny I'm going to Hogsmeade, mind tagging along with me. I'm sure Dean wouldn't mind" I replied with a sarcastic voice. SHE HAS THAT THING AS A BOYFRIEND! "No you idiot I was gonna tell you to ask her go as friends as he has a 'boyfriend' "  I scowled at her which made me shut my mouth. Stupid Stupid this!!!!! Ugh your so thick Potter! Why couldn't you have asked her out sooner rather than later??? "I gotta go catch ya later" I spoke quickly before Hermione opened her mouth again. I made my way towards the castle and ran into Luna. We talked for like an hour and dinner was on in an hour or so.

Third persons POV

The afternoon turned into a quiet evening many students have made there way towards the hall with stomachs rumbling like an angry volcanoes that are erupting and if not distinguished soon students would have to suffer there starvation and try steal food out of the kitchens. Ginny Weasley was among those who meandered her way through groups to get a bite to eat before Ron legit would eat everything. Ginny had in fact turned down her invitation to go to Hogsmeade with Dean as she wanted to spend time with Hermione, Ron and Harry. Though it took her every fibre of her to push her feelings aside for Harry  for the time being. During that period of time Ginny was brushed past  through groups of giggling first years girls looking awestruck that Harry walked by. Ginny waved at him and he returned the gesture just as sweetly. Ginny rolled her eyes at the first years who gawked at Harry and she made her way towards the Gryffindor table. This made her think about the second time she herself was awestruck by him, the Burrow. He had come and Ginny hadn't realised it was him. When she did she ran away quickly up to her room and tried her best to avoid him.

Ginny's POV

I hate OWL year, studying, studying, studying is all they want and talk about. Hermione drills it into my skull and I don't listen. Really she's great and she embraces her education whereas I don't really. I myself are like every student I care its just I'm just not in the mood. "Ginny um Harry isn't joining us tomorrow" Hermione spoke.  This made me look up at her, What did she say?  I heard the portrait swing open and  Harry entered with his hair the usual all tousled and cute looking. "Tell me later" it wasn't a question it was a demand, and Hermione knew it.

*** Common Room with Hermione and Ginny**

(Still Ginny's POV )

"So tell me, why isn't Harry joining us?" I asked. "Don't get mad okey?" She closed her eyes and sat down on the couch nearest the fire, book in hand. "He's going with Cho" she said very fast but I caught it, surprisingly.  If I had pumpkin juice in my hand I would of spat it out right there.  I just sat there staring at Hermione wide eyed and my lips parted.  "Say something?"  "Something" I whispered under my breath but Hermione rolled her eyes. Not my fourth year all over again!  "Are they dating?" I nearly choked on the question. Hermione shook her head. But I wasn't letting this conversation be dismissed that easily. "Who asked who?" I asked. PLEASE SAY SHE DID!!

"She did" PHEW!!  I let out a breath of relief but still I wasn't happy, I let Dean go with his friends so I could secretly spend time with Harry. "And he said yes?" I said with a hint of annoyance.

Wait back up!! I don't even like Harry much anymore. I like Dean!!

"Ginny I thought you don't like Harry" Hermione eyed me. NO she knows!  "I don't she just annoys me that's all" I looked away. But I could tell Hermione didn't believe me. "Ginny look go to Hogsmeade with Dean ok?" Hermione said. I nodded not saying a word with that I got up and dashed for the portrait hole. I needed air.  As I wondered around the castle looking from here to there I saw a couple snogging the faces off each other.  Not wanting to vomit on them or physically break them up. There like glued each other. I was turning on my heels when I took a closer look, I noticed that it was Harry and Cho snogging. My eyes watered and my heart sank. Something pierced through my heart, my feelings down and crushed.

I ran away with tears pooling my eyes and dripping off of my face.  NO MY FREAKEN FOURTH YEAR ALL OVER AGAIN!

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