Before You Go

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“So what did you wanna do today, I was thinking we could go shopping before we go to lunch with Cody” Addy said as I put the last load of Cody’s clothes in the dryer. 

“That sounds amazing, I could always add to my stash of clothes” I said turning on the dryer before facing her.

“You have a stash of clothes? I sure haven’t seen any…be honest with yourself, Tori, you have 4 pairs of jeans and 3 pairs of shoes! You need clothing!” Addy said grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the apartment. “Now lets go get you those clothes!” 

We shopped around our local mall in Los Angeles where Addy forced me to buy at least one piece of clothing from every store we walked in. I usually don’t like to spend money, I’m a saver so this was a big change for me and I wasn’t liking it. “Addy can we go for lunch now?! I’m going to go broke at this rate!” I complained as I carried multiple bags around, looking like a shopaholic.

“We have one more store to go, Tori!” Addy protested but I wasn’t having any of it.

“Addy, I spent like a months worth of my paycheck today and its killing me…I need to get out of here before I have like a panic attack” I said seriously and she nodded knowing I wasn’t kidding around.

“Okay we are still meeting Cody at the recording studio?” she asked as we walked to my car and I nodded. “Alright, I hope you know where we are going, because I have no clue” 

“I have been there practically every day for the stupid meetings so we wont have any trouble finding it” I said as I drove us out of the parking lot, noticing a man was taking pictures of me and Addy.

“What the hell?” Addy asked looking right at the guy and I groaned. 

“Paparazzi, great that’s another meeting” I said and she looked at me confused.

“Why are you so angry about having to go to these meetings?” 

“Its not really the meetings, it just pisses me off that Cody has to spend so much of his money to keep our relationship out of the public. Like he has to pay off the magazine who is paying the guy to take the photos plus his record company for sitting in on the meeting and a bunch of other people he hasn’t told me about. I saw him write a check at the last meeting and it was like two thousand dollars” 

“Why do you have to keep it a secret?” Addy asked after a few minutes and I shrugged.

“Because he is 16 and I’m 18. Its illegal and if it got out we don’t know what would happen” I said as we pulled into the recording studio parking lot.

“Just talk to him and see what he says” Addy mentioned trying to calm me down, which thankfully helped. “Alright well I am really hungry so let get a move on!” 

 ”Hi Alma!” I said to the receptionist and the perky red head smiled up at me.

“You here for another meeting, Tori?” she asked as her fingers clicked away at her key board and I shook my head.

“No my friend Addy and I are joining Cody for lunch” I said and she nodded before pick up her phone and calling Cody’s manager.

“Alright you two can head back to the usual room, dear! Have a good lunch” she said before returning to work as we walked to the elevator.

“Is he seriously on the top floor?” Addy asked and I nodded as elevator music filled the small area. “So do you think he brought Jake?” 

“Only one way to find out!” I chirped as the doors opened, allowing me to pull Addy out of the elevator and to the usual room. I quietly opened the door, trying to be silent just in case they were still recording. I told Addy to be quiet once I saw Cody sitting in the booth. He was watching his phone, looking at the lyrics to the song he was singing. Addy and I made our way over to the couch where Jake sat and I could see the excitement on  Addy’s face. “What is he singing?” I whispered to Jake and he smirked.

“It’s called Evenings in London, its a re-imagined version of Drake’s Marvin’s Room” he whispered to me as Addy and I sat on either side of him. “Cody wrote most of the lyrics about you, except the end, he needed to tie it back to the original song so he added the cheating part” he said and I felt my heart race before I focused on the lyrics.

“Time Square New York used to feel so bright rather stay in my hotel and talk to you all night evenings in London never felt so sad I wish you were here to share these days so bad” he sang and I felt my heart flutter as he sang and break at the same time. His eyes stayed on his phone the whole time he sang the song as Addy and Jake chatted away.

“How was that?” Cody asked the recording manager, Alex, and he gave Cody the thumbs up. “Has Tori gotten here yet? I’m starving and she usually shows up early” he said hanging his head phones up and I hid on the side of the door to the recording area and I shook my head at Alex telling him not to say anything.

“No not yet, but come out and take a break” Alex said into his microphone as Addy hid behind the couch so Cody wouldn’t be tipped off. 

“Alright” Cody said into the microphone before everything got quiet and the door opened and I saw Cody walk by. I moved from behind the door before I wrapped my arms around his waist making him jump in surprise. “What the hell?!” 

“Was I taking too long for your liking, babe?” I asked and he smiled, kissing me quickly before hugging me as Alex left the room to take care of something.

“No you have perfect timing, I am just impatient, love” he said and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Hey, I am hungry! Let’s eat!” Addy said breaking up my moment with Cody. 

“Jake knows where it is, go eat now if you want” Cody said and Jake led Addy out of the room, leaving me and Cody alone.

“Ready to eat?” I asked but he had other plans, wrapping his arms around my waist Cody kissed me forcefully on my lips.  ”As much as I would love to keep going, we don’t want to keep Addy waiting. She is even more impatient than you” I said before he quickly kissed me on the cheek.

“Alright, lets go eat” Cody said lacing our fingers together. “You know, since you don’t want to kiss me and all” he said jokingly and I groaned.

“Oh shut up, you know I want to kiss you” I said but he stopped me.

“Then prove it” he challenged, knowing I never back down when I am challenged. Twisting my fingers into his hair I pulled him into a kiss. Cody’s hands grabbed my belt loops on my jeans and he pulled me flush against him as our lips meshed together. 

“Are you guys gonna come eat lunch or not?” Addy asked walking into the room making Cody and I jump apart.

“Alright calm down Addy, we’re coming”

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