Best Surprise

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I watched as his car rolled away, before turning around and entering my front door. When I walked in I heard laughing coming from the kitchen. I saw Chase and my parents by the kitchen counter.
"Hey" I said cheerfully.

"Hey Jayden, how was the game? " my Dad asked.

"It was really good game final score was 28 to 23 Sabertoothes." I told him.

"Yea Sabertoothes!" Chased yelled. He was on Jr. PeeWee football for the Sabertoothes.

"That sounded like a lot of fun sweetie." my Mom said.

"Yea today has been a pretty good day, I couldn't imagine it getting any better," I admitted.

"Oh really?" I heard from behind me.

I turned around to my big sister, "Annnaliiissseee!!!" I screamed as ran toward her. "Oh my gosh I haven't seen you in forever, I missed you so much, I am so excited your here," I said while hugging her.

"Air," she gasped, I let her go "Surprise!"

"How long have you been here? Why didn't tell me you were coming? " I asked.

"Didn't I just say surprise and I got here this afternoon right after you left for the game." she said.

"Ur my goda, I am so excited I don't know what to say." I said.

She laughed at me.

"Well we will let you two catch up, we are going to bed. Chase go to room and get ready for bed you have practice tomorrow. " my Mom said.

"Night Mom,Night Dad," I said. Annalise and I walked upstairs to my room. We plopped down on my bed and I let out a small scream.

"So you are obviously excited about the boy who dropped you off so who was he?" she asked,"Wait was it Na..!?"

"What! No!" I cut her off.

"Who was it then?" she asked arching an eyebrow.

"Logan Summers " I mumbled. I didn't want her to realize it was her best friend's younger brother.

"I didn't understand what you said." she said.

I want to tell her so badly, "Logan," I paused, "Summers."

"Oh my gosh! No way! Kelsey's brother." she smiled.

"Yes, Kelsey's brother Logan." I admitted.

"Tell me everything."

"Okay, where do I start. Um Logan and I have known each other for long time and we started talking at the end of the school year last year. Then this year we have physics together and we have this project. Logan and I were assigned to be partners, thats when he asked me out. Then he held my hand today in school, after school I went to see him and Nate at the football game. Our first date was after the game at the movies and then when the movie finished he brought me home." I said, leaving out the part where he kissed my check cause it's not a big deal. Well you know.

"Wow, that sounds like you really like him then,uh?" she asked.

"Yea I do, enough about me how are you Peyton?" I asked.

"Well I am glad you asked," she smiled "So you know Peyton and I have been dating for 6 years now, so two weeks ago was our anniversary of when we met."

"Uh huh and..." I asked.

"He went out and stuff then we went to the place where we had our first date and he proposed." Annalise gushed.

"What! I am so happy for you do Mom and Dad know?" I asked.

"No, that's why I came I wanted to tell everyone at once. We are going to have dinner with his family on Wednesday Night and we will announce it. But I had to tell you first in person." she explained.

"So I am the only who knows?" I asked.

"No, Kelsey knows about it but, that's it." she said.

"Obivously, but that's so exciting. " I smiled.

"Jayden, you're amazing don't let anybody hurt that. I can't believe how how pretty you are, it's not fair." she said shaking me.

"Says the girl who won prom queen, voted best smile, and is ENGAGED !!" I yelled at her.

"Well, when you put it like that" she mumbled.

I laughed with her, it has been a long time since we have seen each other. Having a sister isn't as bad as people make it, Annalise and I were really close despite our age difference.

We talked all night til it was one a clock in the morning.

"I missed this, living with Peyton is not the same. It is not bad just I miss having you around Jay." Annalise said.

"Yea. I know what you mean, I miss having you around too, Chase fun but I like my sister ... Sometimes." I laughed with her.

"I am going to bed I am tired. Goodnight." she getting up.

"Goodnight alise," I said the name I called her when I was learning to talk. She walked out and shut the door behind her.

I went to my bathroom to wash up and brush my teeth. I walked out and crawled into bed. I layed there thinking of today smiling and slowly I fell asleep letting the day fade away.


Hey guys Liv again!

Sorry short chapter but I hoped you like it.

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Yours - Liv

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