Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

(2D's POV)

I was actually surprised that Murdoc let me sleep on the couch. I would have figured he would make me sleep outside. Though it was still cold without a pillow and blanket. I kept glancing at the clock, every now and then, wondering how I wasn't tired at two in the morning.

All of a sudden, I heard a noise come from the fridge area. There was clanging of glasses along a grumble, Murdoc was drunk again. Or at least getting there.

I heard the footsteps getting closer to the couch. I closed my eyes, trying to stay as calm and unmoving as possible. Maybe he won't hurt me if he thinks I'm asleep. The couch sank in beside my head as he sat down. I could hear the slosh of liquid in his glass as he moved it. Giving it a spin every now and then before taking another drink.

I almost flinched when I felt his hand touch my face, but I kept as still as humanly possible, knowing that if he knew I was awake he'd beat me for sure. He pulled the hair out of the way of my face as gently as someone like Murdoc could.

"Ya still remember that day, don't ya?" he asked, I'm assuming, me. Though it was like he was talking to the air, knowing he wasn't going to get an answer. He was speaking so softly, like a voice I didn't know what his. As if he wanted no one else to hear except for himself.

(Murdoc's POV)

He was even cuter when he was asleep. Calm and collected, not fidgeting or worrying about anything.

"I remember it bettea than ya evea could," I continued. He was also so much easier to talk to when he was asleep. "The day I tried to put that bullet in me head... I still have them bullets somewhere. Not sure what you ended up doing with that gun though," I took another drink, sighing afterwords as it slowly burned it's way down my throat. "You were the only one who cared... You're still the only one who does, even if it's not that much."

I put my hand back on his hair, taking a good look at his face before continuing, "it's almost funny that ya haven't figured it out yet... I've given you so many hints throughout the yea's. Do ya wanna know why I kept those bullets? They reminded me of a special day, they still do too... They remind me of the day I almost confessed to ya. I was so scared, believe it or not... I couldn't even look at ya when ya came to help me, I still can't look ya in the eye."

I leaned down, pressing my chapped lips against his ear. "I know ya could never love me back... And that's why I can never tell ya." And with that, I left, finishing off the last of my last bottle of beer. I'll have to make Cyborg get me some more.

My room was trashed, like it always was, but now I at least knew where everything was. Just like how I knew that my handful of bullets where in the top drawer of my desk. Only those bullets, alone in a small black box of nothing, with no lights or love to be had. Only able to hear music through the wooden walls of their cage.

(2D's POV)


What am I supposed to do? The lips on my ear almost made me shiver. "I know ya could never love me back..." I felt a sharp ping in my chest. I felt so warm, so hot and... I felt like I was shaking. It took all I had in me to not move, or give away that I was awake. Maybe this is all a dream... yeah. If I'm really dreaming about Murdoc confessing to me, than I might need some help... Like, mental help...

The next morning, I woke up with a migraine. I could barely open my eyes, the light hurt it so bad.

Noodle came by to wake me up almost an hour later. I still had a splitting head ache when she came to get me, and tried to shake me awake.

"P-pain kill'as... please..." I pleadingly whimpered out in agony. She ran off to get the bottle.

"Oi, face ache! Noodle couldn't find your pills, so I got um. Ey, are you alive or what? Take um!" Murdoc grumbled lightly. I felt my chest tighten at the sound of his deep, grumbly rough, morning voice.

I held out my hand, hoping for the bottle. I heard him unscrewing the cap, and dump a few in my hand. I mumbled thankful groan as I swallowed then dry. Maybe the pills will help me forget about the dream I had last night too... Probably not.

I wonder... Should I tell him about my dream? What would he think? I'm almost certain he'll kill me, or at least beat me until I'm on the verge of death, but I still felt the need to tell him... Or at least talk to him. Even if it's not about the dream, I just wanna talk to him.

"When you don't feel like shit, come up to the studio. I'd have Cyborg bring you up, but she's charging. Don't take long," he was nice enough to keep his voice low.

I waited for the pills to kick in. I waited... And waited... The pills didn't even make the pain waver. I don't know how long it took for someone to come back and check on me, but it felt like an eternity with an arrow through my skull. Footsteps felt like gunshots as they got closer. The rough hand on my neck almost choked me as it lifted me up to a stand.

"Ye're takin for fuckin evea!" Murdoc angrily spoke, though to me it sounded like screaming. He held me by the back of my neck, walking me up a seemingly endless staircase. By the time he had dragged me up to the studio room, I felt like crying.

"M-Murdoc please...I-it hurts..." I cried out softly. He let go of my neck. "Me head... I-it hurts s-so bad...I need me pills... Please, I c-can't take it..." I held my head in an attempt to sooth the pain, though it didn't help at all. I sat down on one of the chairs in the studio, my face in my hands and my elbows on my knees as I bent over myself, trying to make anything less painful. I could hear the familiar sounds of a pill bottle and the comforting slosh of a beer as they were handed to me. I downed half the bottle of... well, each! It again felt like forever as I waited for the numbness to take over enough to take the pain away, but at least this time, it actually made it better. 

"Ya all right, mate?" Murdoc asked, which was surprising that he actually cared enough to ask. It, for some reason, reminded me of my dream...

"Yeah, I-I'm fine now... Just anotha headache..."

"The bad ones comin back?"

"I hope not!" After that, the room went quiet, except for the shuffle of papers as Murdoc shuffled though notebooks to find the right lyrics he wanted me to sing. "Have you ever had a dream?" I started to ask.

"Sure, I had the dream to start a band, and look at me now!" he said triumphantly.

"No, I mean... have you ever had a dream where you wake up and your not sure if it's real?" I asked, still unsure if I should actually tell him.

"What 're ya goin on about?" Murdoc asked, starting to sound annoyed. I had to tell him.

"I had a dream last night..."

One Bullet (Gorillaz fanfic) (2D x Murdoc)Where stories live. Discover now