Chapter 6

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I don't know who drew these pictures, I just googled gorillas drawings

(Murdoc's POV)

I tried to walk away after I set down the bullet before I could say anything, but I couldn't help it.

"It wasn't a dream Stu." I walked out of the room as fast as I could. I want to say I regretted saying anything, but I don't. At least now he can reject me and I can get over it...

"M-Murdoc..." I heard him mumble from the other side of the door.

"... What," I hesitated. Me! Murdoc fucking Niccals, hesitated. Because for once in a long time... I was scared. Scared of his thoughts, his questions, his answers...

"Why?" he asked. I slowly walked back in the room, seeing his back facing me as me continued to stare down at the single bullet. I wasn't sure why I had put it in my pocket that morning. I guess I just felt the need to keep it with me.

"Why what?" I asked as softly as I could.

"Why me? What's the difference between me and one of ya birds?"

"... You care. Ya pay attention and actually try to help me. Ya came right away when I needed you, when I had that gun to my head that day. It would've taken a couple a days for anyone else the even realize I was gone... But you were right there to help me..."

"Do you know why ya hadn't told me before?"

"I was scared. Ashamed maybe." I leaned against the doorframe as I spoke. Crossing my arms as I stared at his back.

"I'm not sure what else to say..." We both stayed silent. I pushed myself off the wall, walking over to the desk and taking a seat next to him. I couldn't help but notice his hands fidgeting together near his chest. He seemed just as nervous as I was.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"Everything really. Every hit, punch, fight we ever had. And right now, I guess for putting all these thoughts in ya head."

"I'm not... I deserved most of the hits. And I think... I might like you too," he said softly, almost as if he wasn't sure if he should say it. His hands stopped fidgeting.

I set my hands on the table, one reaching over to the bullet, "I have the rest of them somewhere," I said, picking up the small piece of metal. 2D used one of his hands as a cushion as he set his head on the table, and the other took the bullet from my hand, setting it back on the table. Then, he gently took my hand, and just held it. Just held it in his cold clammy hands, that I'm sure were shaking more than the rest of him was. He was easily more scared than I was. "Do ya hate me... For everything I've done ta ya?"

"... Nevea," he answered in a shaky voice. I brought his hand to my lips, kissing his knuckles. I'm sure I'd hadn't felt great, my chapped lips scratched against his skin. I could feel his pulse in his hand, and how it sped up with every move I made. He took took a deep breath in, letting it out shakily as if he was crying. But he wasn't. He just seemed happy, finally.

"Hey, Toochi! Where are you!" Noodle screamed down the hall.

"I'm right here," he said, leaving the room quickly, and letting go of my hand too soon.

I was so close... So close to having him. Where do I always go wrong?


Hours later of playing about every instrument in my disposal to take my mind off 2D, I walked to the kitchen to get a quick beer.

Walking through the living room, I heard Noodle's singing, along with the strum of a banjo. They were singing 'To Binge' together.

"Did Murdoc really write that?" Noodle asked.

"Yeah, he did. I like it," 2D said, strumming the instrument. Walking into the room, I couldn't help but laugh at his hair.

"Why the hell are ya wearin a ponytail?" I chuckled, laughing at the goofy way he had his hair tied back.

"Me hair was gettin in me face, so I had ta tie it back," he answered.

"It looks cute doesn't it?" Noodle asked. It did actually. Chunks of hair sticking out in all directions as the little hair tie barely held his hair together.

"You look stupid."

"Oh come on, admit it, he's completely adorable!" I just looked at her, ignoring the weird look in her eye. I took the beer to my room, turning on the television and watching anything that was on. All the shows are the same and terrible, why try and find a good one when there aren't any. I'm glad I made Cyborg get more food and liquor, but the trip completely drained her battery. I'll be lucky if she's fully charged by tomorrow morning.

There was a knock on my door. "Mudz?"


"Could I come in?"

"... Sure." 2D walked in, his fingers nervously twiddling together. The fidgeting seemed to keep him calmer as he walked towards me. "So what did ya want?"

"Jus' ta talk." He could barely look at me as he spoke, especially now that his hair was out of his face. "About taday, or this mornin I mean..."

"What about it?" He didn't talk to answer, just did what he had before, and held my hand. Just held it as he put his lips against my palm and kissed it. My heart felt like it was gonna break a rib, it was beating so heard against my chest. He let go of my hand, only to bend down and hug me. I wouldn't be surprised if he could feel my heartbeat, but then again, I could feel his. It was somehow going even faster than mine. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled his body closer, making him fall into the bed I top of me. He gave off a small noise as fear as I pulled him down, but I did nothing. We just lay there, holding one another in each other's arms. No moves were made, no words were said, the only thing that could be heard was the television set... And a girlish giggle from the hallway...


I'll give you a hint, Noodle is more like you than you know in this story.

One Bullet (Gorillaz fanfic) (2D x Murdoc)Where stories live. Discover now