Chapter 8

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More of just a filler chapter for before I can work out the next chapter... Yep...

I kept the shower quick and dressed in the same black jeans and tattered blue shirt I had on the day before, since I hadn't brought any clothes with me... I honestly didn't have any other clothes considering it was now in the stomach of that bloody whale. Why I had looked like rubbish, but it would have to do until I could get something else.

"Hey Stu." There was a knock at the door. "I put some cloths on the bed for ya. I'm gonna be in the kitchen," Murdoc spoke from the other side. There was a pause before I heard footsteps walking away. I stripped once again before peaking my head out the door, and looking at the pile of barely folded clothes.

They were still warm to the touch, from right out of the drier. It was one of Murdoc's black turtlenecks, and red skinny jeans. The jeans were almost baggy, but the rest was... nice. Even though it was freshly washed, the collar still smelt like him. Cheap aftershave, cigarets and liquor. But it somehow still smelled clean.

Enough with the shirt. I practically ran to the kitchen, hearing my stomach growl. Murdoc forced the robot to make eggs, while him and the real Noodle had a conversation about the next few songs. As soon as Noodle saw me she blushed. Than smiled. Than giggled.

"Murdoc," she whispered to him, pointing towards me as I got closer to the couch. I couldn't help but notice Murdoc cover his mouth with his hand to try and hid his smile.

I've never actually seen him smile.

He took a sip from his coffee while Noodle whispered in his ear. In only a moment, his face looked shocked, he seemed to choke, and then take a spit-take. I ran over to him as he coughed, not sure what to do to help.

(Murdoc's POV)

I couldn't help but smile when I saw him wearing my clothes. Noodle tapped my shoulder, pulling me closer so she could whisper in my ear.

"He is so a bottom..." She giggled. I practically died on my coffee. The fuck does she mean!? Does she know about me and him? I threw my cup at the robot, letting it shatter against her metal skull. I needed to get out of there. I ran out onto one of the nearest terraces, pulling out a fag. Screw nicotine, I need cannabis. I was on my last few joints, but I couldn't take the stress of all this.

It wasn't what I cared about people saying, I don't give a damn anymore about others opinions. I just don't want anyone to hate Stuart. I honestly don't like it when he's depressed... Even if in the past I've been the one to cause it.

Breath in... Breath out... Fuck yeah...

It's been such a long time. I miss this numbness.

"Oi... Ya alwight?" I heard him ask from the door way.

"Yeah. Just... Smokin'."

"Mudz, don' act stupit. I know what ya're doin out here. Why da ya seem so nervous all of a sudden?" I didn't answer back. Just shrugged with a grunt as I took another drag. He walked up next to me, though still staying quite a fair distance away. I don't blame him, I basically tried to kill a robot because her human version giggled. I'd be scared to get close to me too.

At least that's what I thought. He took a step closer. I glanced at him, and saw his smile, and when he saw me looking at him, he smiled with his teeth too. It was strange to see the gap where the first two would be. Every time I look at it, it makes me remember the he day we met... And then the days after when I knocked out his teeth and gave him a double eight-ball fracture. His pitch black void of eyes were so unique, I found myself staring at him every time I could...

"What?" he asked, confused on why I was staring at him for so long.


"Nothin," I said, using my fingers to put out the end of the blunt. I shoved the half that was left in my pocket for later. "It's nothin." He took a step closer.

"Hey Toochi!" We heard a yell come from inside. 2D jumped away from me, not sure what to do. "Russ and I are going to go get that whale, wanna come with?" He started shaking in fear.

"N-no. Thank you," he managed to say just loud enough for her to hear him. Was she trying to get us alone together?

"Alright, we'll be gone for a couple days, I'm sure. Just don't kill each other while I'm gone!"

"Okay," 2D mumbled out as she left.

"I make no promises!" I shouted in her direction. All I heard back were her low girlish giggles.


Again, shorter, but I promise the next chapter will have a little... Something more to it...

One Bullet (Gorillaz fanfic) (2D x Murdoc)Where stories live. Discover now