Chapter 7

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(Noodle's POV)

It's happening, it's really, truly, finally happening! I ship them so much!

Just seeing the look in Murdoc's mismatched eyes this morning when he barely even looked at 2D, made my inner fangirl scream. I knew they would fall I love eventually. And seeing them lying together on Murdoc's bed, made me giggle out loud. The only reason I stopped looking was when I realized my nose was bleeding.

After that, I went outside to sleep on top of Russell's stomach as he calmly floated stop the sea's calm waters. Not that he had much choice really, his hand could destroy the entire island if he really wanted.

(2D's POV)

I couldn't move as as he pulled me on top of him. I was scared out of my mind! I didn't know if he was going to hug me or hit me next! We just ended up laying there, listening to the television's static between the shifting shows and channels. I was almost too scared to break the silence, not wanting to interrupt this one nice moment.

"... Mudz?" I asked, just above a whisper.


"Could I have a blanket?... It gets cold on that couch at night..."

"... No, you ain't sleepin on the couch tonight." Why did he mean? Was he going to make me sleep on the ground? That was even worse!

"Than, where am I sleepin tonight?"

"... Right here..."

And so I did. To scared to move or talk to ruin the moment. And before i knew it, I had fallen asleep. Not even realizing I had until I had woken up the morning after.

I woke up with a slam to the face as I fell off the side of the bed. It was colder now, but when I noticed Murdoc wasn't next to me anymore, I guess I knew why. He was outside, smoking right outside the door as he had his elbows I top of the small fence that made sure he wouldn't fall off the side into the ocean.

"Mo'nin'" I mumbled, walking out by him. "Could I 'ave one?" I asked, motioning towards the cigaret. He nodded, pulling a pack out of his jean pocket. He lit the end of the cigaret using his, and handed the cancer stick to me. I leaned over the railing next to him, letting the toxic smoke coat my lungs. We silently let the fire at the end run the tobacco back to the butt of the cigaret. The silence was nice.

We both threw them into the ocean below us as the lights went out. I tried to walk back inside... But then he stopped me. He trapped me between his arms, right next to the doorway. I turned around so I could face him, with my back hitting the wall.

"What would ya do Stu..." I bit my lip nervously, as best I could with my missing teeth, as I listened to him talk "... If I kissed ya? Right here. Right now." I could only clumsily stutter as he stared at me, waiting for an answer.

"I- I don' know-" he cut me off. Bringing his rough, unshaven face near my neck.

"Please..." he whispered, kissing the side of my neck. I could feel his whiskers form a smile against my skin. I let out a shaky breath, and a small shiver crept up my spine. I couldn't help but have my hands and bare feet fidget uncontrollably.

"Um... I... Uh-" I couldn't answer. I felt the sudden pressure of his lips on mine. And as soon as it was there, it was gone. I wasn't truly shock. I mean, I knew he wanted to kiss me, it was just a little... Unexpected.

"I'm takin' a showa'" Murdoc said lazily, walking back inside. I waited until I heard the door shut before walking back inside. It was so much cooler inside. Outside, the heat was almost unbearable compared to the cold sheets I woke up in. I couldn't help but look around at all the things in his room, but can you really blame me?

I picked up some scattered clothes and through them into his piles in the corners of the room. Closing drawers and shoving there contents in until they close. Then I found the bullets.

They where in a drawer all by themselves, tucked away in a small black box that seemed to be from an old watch.

I wonder what goes through his head when he looks at these. Does he still think about death? Why did he keep them? Did he get another gun for them? What if he-

I was so distracted, I hadn't heard the showers water stop.

"What're ya doin'?" Murdoc asked from behind me. His voice was low and monotone. I was scared to turn around. Scared that he'd scream or hit me for snooping. I know we had a seemingly touching moment this morning, but I couldn't forget how I had been locked in an underwater cellar for the past- "Put it down." A shiver ran up my spine as I heard him talk, his voice still low and demanding. I was scared. I closed the box, slowly setting it back into the drawer and closing it. I stood there my back still facing him as I held my hands together in front of me. I stood, twiddling my thumbs together in an attempt to pass time until he backed away.

He didn't.

I jumped as I felt his hands on my shoulders. His nose touched my neck, and he kissed the spine bone before he spoke again.

"You should take a showa'... Ya smell worse than my room. " And with that he once again walked away.


I know it's short, give me a break I'm tired.
Plus I don't know what I'm doing.

One Bullet (Gorillaz fanfic) (2D x Murdoc)Where stories live. Discover now