Chapter 2: Welcome to Sorece Academy

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Hey there again guys I hope you will enjoy my series and im sorry if you see any mistakes but I'll try my best to fix any I see!


Mum gave the school a call and it wasn't long before they agreed to let me attend after some negotiation. I don't know what it is but something just doesn't feel right ever since that earthquake a few days ago and this "academy" coming into my life I just don't know but something like when you can sense your brothers presence near the Oreo biscuit packet ready to strike. But I'm not going to let this bad feeling that is hanging at the pit of my stomach bother me and bring me down as the start of my new life begins at Sorece Boarding Academy.

"I'm ready!" I announce to everyone as I drag my suitcase outside towards the car. "okay Hun." mum says while closing the car door.After the longest car ride EVER we arrived at the Academy. "Wow" I say in awe as I stare up at the huge mansion infront of me "It's...big."

"yeah a real breath taker..." Mum whispers taking a step beside me for a better view. "Hello there you must be new?" We turned round to see a guy with black wavy locks and the most beautiful sets of green eyes I've ever seen,Jealousy is so bugging me right now probably because I've got the dullest dark brown eyes....

"Yes we are this is Candice and she is just starting today" my mum introduced shaking his hand, your probably guessing where the hell my dad is his favourite song just started blasting through the car...who let the dogs out I feel so ashamed right now but when mum turned her head round and gave him the look or death he turned it down and started singing to it in the car. Why me?

"Okay well I'm Mr Harris and its a pleasure to meet you I can direct you to the main office to sort out your placement here."

So after all the goodbyes mainly from mum since dad was still in the car and some quick reminders to keep contact I took out my suitcase from the trunk or the car and followed the teach.I turned round to see the car driving away and I don't know what but I felt the urge to run for it to go back and say I wanna go home but I felt a force urging me to stay I don't know what it was but I had the sudden feeling of wanting to be here to prove my abilities and it took that bad feeling away.

Until I Entered the school that is.

As soon as I entered all eyes where on me I looked around to see students in white shirts and grey jumpers ontop with light brown blazers with a symbol of a lion over a pocket space and there all wearing black skirts/trousers and black shoes of any kind they wanted, yep there wearing unifourm. I'm never gonna get used to this. We continued walking avoiding all the constant stares we were gaining from students

"So Candice do you have any hobbies?"

"Uhh I'm into sports and I'm a big fan of... rock climbing." I mumble awkwardly.

"Really rock climbing huh?"

"Yeah I find it fun." I reply distracting myself from the constant evil looks I'm getting from people.

"Okay and don't worry about the kids here there always like that but once you get into the unifourm and blend in I'm sure you won't have anything to worry about."

"Thanks!" I say feeling acctually better now and I know that I can do this and that he's acctualy right about that.

"Were nearly there now so we won't need to walk much futher."

"Okay tha-" A cold rush seeps into my body out of nowhere and I stand there frozen and cold to the core I turn round to only see groups of students roaming up and down the coridoors but something doesn't seem right.

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