Chapter 10: Stage 2 commences

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Chapter 10!! yaay! Are you all liking it? please comment and vote it would mean alot to me :)

forgive me you guys its just that through the lack of attention I feel less motivated but I will still try my best.  I will complete this book I promise.



Me and keira hurry down the maze of corridors towards our classroom.  We hear the second bell ring and I know were late. Why does the Special A corridor have to be so freaking far from the rest of the school?!

We turn a corner and we have the classroom in our sites. We hurry down the corridor when suddenly keira pushes me to the ground. Hard. "What the hell keira-!" I look to where her back is turned and I see it. at the end of the corridor embedded deep into the wall a silver arrow points it sharp ends deeper into the plastering.  In line with where I was standing.  Someone tried to kill me and if it wasn't for keira I would have been- I hug keira tightly before I can even think about it.  "Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you so much I-"

"Okay Okay! It's fine. anyways I know you would have done the same for me." I feel  myself blush slightly and I get up with keira before we feel it. I feel a hot rush seep into me and I know somethings comming. I don't know why but I know somehow keira feels it to and we both duck in unison as a group of arrows soar above us missing us by an inch. what the hell?! We both crawl to our lesson and we rise up and try to open the door but its locked.  I look through the door window and see Miss Moeses look at us before looking back at the class acting like were not even there. "Why won't she let us in?!" I yell in complete panic. "Oh Crap." Keira says in realisation. "What?" I ask her. "Remember what abby said about comming late to class..." and then it sinks in. Let's just say that you wouldn't want a round 2 of the game. Shit. We're being punished for coming late.


A loud bang echoes through the corridor I look to candice in worry, oh no. We hear the bang again but closer. Candice offers her hand and I glady take it as we sprint in the opposite direction. The bangs become constant as we run. whatever it is it's getting closer. We run back down towards the main hall. We try to go past it but then we hear the noise coming from that direction to. Two of them?! Without choice we find ourselves charging into the empty hall and gathering our breaths.  Then the banging stops. I try to open the door but its locked. Oh No Oh No Oh No- "Hello again." The voice fills the room. I slam into the door harder trying to break it and candice joins me. "Try all you want your not gonna leave anytime soon." We see another door on the other side of the room and we run towards it and try to open it. But guess what?  That right its locked. Suddenly the door opens from the other side and I start to feel relief until I see who comes through it. Mr H, Darren, Abby, Rachel and the other members of the Special A.  We step back in surprise and they all enter the room. They look at us in shock and go and take seats on chair's that appear out of nowhere.

"It seems that these two are the first ever reserves to complete stage one of the game." The female voice booms through the room. " What is the meaning of this?! I thought we came here for a presentation. " Mr H yells up to the voice. "This is not we agreed sarah." Daren says in a furious tone. Sarah so that's her name.  "Don't worry I only brought them here to see if they are worthy to join you." Sarah's voice announces through the room. Greaat what now.


I step back unconsiously and keira forces me down onto the ground. again. As a much larger group or arrows fly above us.  She needs to quit saving me. Like Seriously.

I smell gas and roll on the floor away from keira as a blast of fire shoots out of the wall missing me by an inch.  Keira jumps up from the ground and runs back as a huge boulder falls through the ceiling behind her. Crap.

We are both seperated on different sides of the room dodging countless weapons. The others look on in horror as we try to survive. I can see Darren's on the verge of loosing it. I dodge an arrow coming towards me and I look back to see were its heading. Straight towards Mr H. "Run!" I scream out to him.  He stays seated in the chair and raises his hand out and a green barrier appears infront of him and the arrow crashes into it and turns into ashes and falls to the ground in front of him. He gives me a small smile and I don't have a chance to respond as I sense something else coming at me and I'm on the move again. "Enough of this nonsense" Sarah's voice fills the room and we can tell that she's getting restless. I stop dead to see keira on the other side of the room with her back turned trying to catch her breath. The wall next to me opens up I look to see the long metal object come out of it. Keira still isn't facing me and I suddenly realise what it is. A machine gun.  A big machine gun. I scream out her name and then it fires.  Teleport keira hurry!  Mr H's voice rings through my head.  A burst of purple light emits from keira as she vanishes from thin air and I turn in shock as she grabs onto me. I turn to see Mr H with a pained expression with his hand on his heart trying to calm down.  "WHAT?! YOU'VE BONDED?! THE HEADMISTRESS MUST KNOW ABOUT THIS!" The voice booms. The machine gun slides back into the wall and everything stops. "Shit." Darren mutters and he speeds out of the room so fast all we saw was a blur. How did he-


I feel someone's hand on my shoulder.  I turn to see Mr H looking at me in worry. I don't think twice as I dive into his arms hugging him close not thinking about anyone else but him... 'its okay... its over now.' his voice rings through my head.


Abby rushes over to me and engulfs me in a huge hug. I hear her trying to hold back her tears. "Shhh its okay don't cry... I'm Alive right" I whisper.  "I *sniff* can't *sniff * believe *sniff* they *sniff* did *sniff* that." Then she starts crying hard into my shoulder using my blazer as a tissue.

A quick blur past us and stands next to Mr H and keira the blur fades and we see Darren.  " It's done." He says to them and Mr H gives him a small nod then they walk to us. By now everyone in the Special A surround's us. "Its good.. that your not dead." Rachel trys to comfort us. She raises her hand to pat my shoulder but she decides otherwise and puts her hand back down again. "Oh So your Glad were alive?!" Keira teases. "No way! w-what I meant is that now I get the chance to kill you myself. " She exclaims before storming out of the room.  The whole room erupts with laughter. " Those were some great moves" One of the twins say giving us a cheesey smile.  "Yeah you had good reflexes" The boy with glasses said. I give them a small smile as to say thanks. "You both have completed one of the hardest stages of the game and that means one thing.  Automatic entry into the final stage."  Mr H says with worry.  You know that he uses completed instad of survived to make it less sinister but either way it still strikes a nerve in me.


"Wait? How many stages are there?" I look to Mr H for a answer.  "10." Darren answers.  "WHAT?!" Me and candice scream in unison.  "because you are both reserves naturally you should be dead by now or your defeat would have been planned for the future stages." Darren explains "So what? your saying that we should have died back there?" Candice questions.  All of them give a small nod.  "Well that explains why the door closed on us. Even if she didn't save me in time we wouldn't have made it out of there either way." I say allowed.  " It was all for sarahs entertainment." Darren chips in.

From then on we all ended up sitting in a circle in the main hall getting some answers. finally.


There it is everyone! Another chapter completed.  I hope you liked it. Don't forget to check out my other wattpad : TheFifikid

Thanks for reading


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2014 ⏰

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