Chapter 3: Hello New Students!

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Hey there peeps again I'm hoping to start introducing some real drama and stuff going on and also show the new characters... So get ready and also " The game" will be starting next chapter so you all have to make sure you keep updated!

Enjoy :3


After getting settled down into our dorm room we received a letter stating for all the new students to gather in the main hall for a school introduction in our new uniform. We put on our uniform and Abby offered to take us to the main hall so we followed her and when we reached the double doors we said bye to abby and started to head for the doors until we noticed she was walking with us.

"uh aren't you going to your lessons or something?" I asked a bit confused

"Oh umm a-all the Special A students need to attend also" she whispered

"Special A What's tha-"

The double doors swing open.

"Are you coming in or what? The introductions about to start."

Before me was the most beautiful figure I have ever seen just standing there. His brown locks of hair shimmered as his blue eyes glowed at our presence. Our eyes met and I could see his lips forming a smirk and then it happened again the cold shiver seeped through my blood so fast I couldn't even breath. His presence was dangerous and Amazing at the same time but something was wrong I could feel it and it wasn't giving me entry. I felt a sudden warm touch as i looked down I found out he was raising my hand with his and shaking it up and down "Hello my names Darren. Welcome."

His words didn't feel welcoming at all they felt more demanding than welcoming but he was doing something... I looked up to see his eyes they were moving in a sort of way I couldn't explain it's like there was water flowing,twisting and turning pulling me into a trance and before I new it the cold rush that had me stiffen released and I was able to move freely and I just stood there in shook as to what the hell just happened then I heard his voice hum in my ears "It's time to go inside."

I looked to both sides of me to discover that the girls had already entered so I quickly rushed inside the main hall and scanned the row of seats to find Keira then I rushed down and sat next to her.

"you okay Candice you seemed a bit out of it before?" Keira stated pulling a bit of a worried look on her face.

"oh um Yeah I'm just tired I guess the long car ride and all." I replied distracting myself by looking around.

I discovered that there are a lot of new students around and that seems weird i mean it is still in the middle of a school semester and it was a bit sudden when they asked me to come to the academy straight away without waiting for the semester to end, This all just seems to weird for me.

We all hear footsteps and we see a lady walking up to the front stage and she looks really different she's wearing black boots with heals with what seems to be a black suit of some kind with our academy Symbol of a lion on the top chest area. She has long straight black hair and grey eyes she also had a beauty spot on her cheek and thick red lips (from lipstick of course).

" Welcome to Sorece Academy I am The Head Mistress not head mistress this or that just The Head Mistress and I would like you all to address me as such."

Weird why doesn't she want us to address her the normal way with her surname after why just The Head Mistress it's like she doesn't want us to know her name for some reason, Odd right?

She kept on talking about the usual like what the school is like and that she's glad were here and so on and then there was a subject that grabbed my attention not only mine but Keira as well "As some of you may have noticed we have a Special A Class of students but you have to earn your place here and show your worth and your abilities.."

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