Tar Pit

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You'll scream so loud,
Tar pit
Tar pit
Tar pit
Compare yourself to blackness.
Like you'll fill my lungs,
Trap me here forever.
Sticky darkness swallowing me.
You call yourself a tar pit.
As if I wouldn't let you.
Like I'd want to breathe anything else,
Like I'd try to claw my way out.

You'll scream so loud.
You'll say get out,
Get out
Get out
Get out
Like you're ruining me,
Like you're trapping me.
Bars in a prison keeping me here, you say get out.
As if I want to leave.
Like your arms are anything other than home.
As if I wouldn't want to be here.

On days like these,
When you hate yourself,
I'll love you enough for the both of us.
I'll sit on the floor,
Let you crumble in front of me.
On days like these,
I'll lay your head in my lap,
And I'll remind you that you are good.
Because you think you're trapping me,
And I won't leave you behind.

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