Imagine this

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I want you to imagine this; a girl sitting on her bedroom floor, dry-heaving, her body convulsing with each failed attempt at silencing the sobs, banging her fists onto the ground as she tried to make sense of it all. Now, I want you to imagine my face because that girl was me, and I was never good enough for you. I was constantly coming second to dozens of other girls. You made me feel completely worthless. You emotionally ruined me.

I don't hate you, though. Instead I want to thank you.

Despite it taking me months, I finally realized that it wasn't me not being good enough for you, but you not being good enough for me. These words have resonated with me for some time, and I am constantly reminding myself that I deserve better than the distorted perception of love that was handed to me on a tarnished silver platter. I deserve better than being manipulated, and I deserve better than you.

I know I'm not the same girl that was on my bedroom floor that night, because I would never give someone complete power over me where I lose control; complete power over me where I felt I was worthless.

I was consumed by nothing but negativity, and for a while I thought you were my only source of light. I was drowning and every single day I woke up and hoped your hand would pull me up to the surface and save me. I was wrong. That night was the night I realized your hand was never there to save me, but instead there to push me deeper below the surface. The only hand I needed was my own.

You were my darkness and it took me too long to realize this.

I know you're a good person, but next time you ask yourself what it was you ever did to me, I want you to think of the girl crying on her bedroom floor, I want you to think of the girl that couldn't sleep because the nightmares were worse than reality, which had her own personal hell. I want you to think of the girl that couldn't eat because she had no appetite from the anxiety caused from thinking she did something wrong. I want you to think of the girl who hated herself so much she had to force herself to get up in the morning, only to crawl back into bed hours later. I want you to think of the girl who had countless silent breakdowns hoping her parents wouldn't hear. I want you to think of all the things you never saw, all the things you never experienced, all the things were kept hidden.

And now, I want you to think of the person I have become and I want you to know that I am thankful for you creating a monster. But I'm no longer a monster, and I no longer have to force happiness. No more seeking validation from others that I am worthy. I am thankful you were a part of my life, because you became the best, worst thing to happen to me.

I do hope you're happy, and just know I don't regret anything. I would never wish for you to experience the same hell as me, I just wish you the same happiness that I can finally experience every day. Thank you for engulfing me in darkness. Thank you for helping me grow. And thank you for pushing me further below the surface. Too many great things have come from that darkness. Too many great things have come from you.

IT STILL ACHESTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon