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Life in a big place like London can be pretty boring, if you want to know. As surprising as it sounds, it is boring even for a man with money, one like Harry Styles. A 27 year old successful business man who had many hotels spread all over the world.

It was a family business, and it has never been so on top. People never stopped travelling, people always longed to see something new, something they've never seen before.

Life was easy. Harry's life was full of fancy things, he owned a residence with a home cinema, a pool, whatever his heart desired.

But his life was empty. No woman nor man has ever been enough. He got engaged once, broke it off again as he realised he was only there for the money. His sister Gemma suggested adoption, he didn't need a woman to be a father.

It entered his mind after some months. He liked kids.

So Why not?

It would keep him from the solitude for a while. Harry Styles planned on a four year old. Boy or girl, it didn't matter. But once he heard the story of the boy that was rescued from a forest after spending years by himself, Harry knew he wanted to help.

The papers were signed and today, he would talk to him for the first time.

Harry entered the room after getting led inside by a middle aged woman that was sending him too many glances and touching his arm quite a lot while they talked.

If Harry didn't like one thing than that was clingy women that are all over him. Woman he did not find attractive.

Harry saw the small boy sitting in front of a table by himself, tightly holding something in between his small hands. Oh so tiny hands..

Harry walked inside slowly, adjusting his tie and trying not to mind the brown haired boys beauty.

Oh my, he definitely wasn't expecting this.

"Hello." Harry softly smiled, brushing his hair back and taking a seat in front of the young boy. Louis slowly looked up at Lily, the woman that used to care for him. He didn't like her though..

Louis didn't like anybody here.

Mommy, daddy.. Louis wanted them to finally come and pick him up.

Louis blinked slowly, only noticing the blurry vision of a tall man coming to the table they led him to.

Louis couldn't stay here forever. He never considered this as his new home. But he also never wanted a new home. His home was deep in the forest where his mommy and daddy lived. Why didn't those people understand him?

His blue eyes flickered up nervously as the older man's deep dark voice spoke. Sharp jawline, strong cheekbones and beautiful long brown curls that framed his face perfectly.

Handsome, yes.

Louis tilted his head to the side in confusion, longer brown hair almost falling into his eyes as he moved.

Why was there a man sitting in front of him? What did he want?

Louis clutched tighter on his picture. It was everything he had left to remember the way his parents looked. Along with a teddy bear that mommy and daddy left him. Louis just couldn't sleep without him. He had terrible nightmares without teddy and he needed to cuddled to something warm.

"Hello" Louis spoke quietly, dull blue eyes focusing on Harry's whose pupils widened in surprise.

Louis had the most beautiful pair of blue eyes Harry had ever seen in his whole life. They were dull at the moment, but looked so curious at the same time. His lips a lovely shade of pink.

Harry crossed his long legs, Louis' small sweet voice sounding lovely to his ears. The lady next to Harry looked quite surprised though, because Louis actually replied to the older man's greeting.

"I'm Harry. You are Louis, right?" Harry give the younger lad a gentle smile, a sincere one, trying to break the ice between them. To get Louis to trust him.

"I really like your teddy bear, it looks very fluffy." Harry complimented, taking a deep breath. The teenage boy made him.. Kind of nervous. But in a good way.

"I once had one of these. I couldn't sleep without it. I named him Mr. Red Nose." Harry explained and grinned, beautiful dimples were popping on his cheeks while his soft rosy lips stretched into a smile.

Louis shifted a little under the man's curious eyes, pretty cheeks flushing softly. He was not used to people staring at him. He ran a hand through his feathery soft brown hair and looked down at Teddy, giggling shyly before trailing his eyes back up to Harry, barely paying attention to Lily.

Louis swallowed as Harry moved softly, his emerald green eyes looking at Louis curiously.

Harry.. Deep low raspy voice.

Louis perked up at that, a shy smile settling over his thinner pink lips. He liked that name..

And yes that was Louis' name. He wished he could hear his daddy saying it again while he kissed him good night.

Louis nodded his head slowly, frowning a little but kept looking at Harry. His smile seemed to be honest.

But then again, Louis was not good at reading people's face expressions. It was.. Weird to him. Lily smiled a lot when someone was around but she was mean when no one was there..

Everybody was fake. Yet, Harry's smile seemed honest. Louis' eyes peeked down at his teddy bear and his cheek coloured a little before Louis lifted teddy up on the desk and tugged his sweater down.

"Thanks.. Can't sleep without him, too." Looks brought his eyes up to meet the man's dark one that reminded him of the colour of the forest he grew up in. Louis wondered if the older man still had a teddy.. But he was too old for one.

"Why did you name him like that?" Louis said slowly and held onto his teddy bears paw tightly, just in case that something might happen. Was the man taking Louis with him?
Harry smiled softly at Louis' reaction and at how he got interested when Harry's old teddy bear got in the middle of the subject.

He chuckled lightly and leaned over the table, intertwining his long slim fingers together and placing his big hand on top of the table.

"Oh, whenever I got sick as a kid, I got a red, running nose. I always felt better whenever I held it, though. He was a saviour to my red nose, most of times." Harry winked at Louis with a grin, leaning back on his chair and taking a breath. Louis giggled.

"Louis... I live in a big house, you know? With a lot of rooms and I have always been by myself. So when I got to know that you needed a place to live, I just knew I wanted to offer my house. You are going to like it, for sure. There's a lot to do. You will be happy, I promise. You just have to trust me." Harry explained, licking his lips and clearing his throat.

"But of course, the decision is yours, and I completely respect it. You can stay here, if that's what you want." Harry comforted, in a soft tone.

Louis watched him very carefully as harry leaned over the table lightly, entwining his long fingers. Many rings.

He leaned a little closer, examining them slowly. Louis' mommy and daddy wore a ring. Both of them.. That means you were married right? But Harry had a lot of them.. Louis always had a fascination for sparkling things.

"That's .. Cute" he bit down on his lip. Teddy was there to fight against the nightmares that threaten to creep into his brain at night.

Louis watched the older man lean back and swallowed softly, clutching teddy to his chest as Harry told him that he had plenty of room at his house and would love to offer a room for Louis to live in. Louis slowly looked up at Lily who looked at Harry like he would be an angel that fell from heaven.

Louis didn't like that.

She didn't even pay attention to anything they said. He didn't want to be here anymore.. people were mean to him and he liked the silence. If Harry had a big house it would mean he'd be alone right? And that was okay with him..

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