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"Yes, princess?"

"What are you hiding behind your back.. Wanna know" Louis pouted softly and stomped his feet in an attempt to look angry down on the floor before he wobbled around in front of a very amused looking Harry. After Jess left, they had time for just the two of them.

"Something pretty for a pretty boy, hm?" Harry hummed softly. He loved that Louis was on the verge of slipping into his head space and he was aware of it this time.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Louis giggled shyly, his cheeks tinting lightly as he clapped his hands together and looked at Harry with big blue eyes.

"You have to calm down, baby, you're going to scare him.." Harry explained softly before he revealed a little fluffy kitten with orange fur that was very light underneath his chest and big bright blue eyes.

"It matches Nala, don't you think?" He smiled and bit his lip as he waited for the younger boys reaction, "he has the same pretty blue eyes you have.." Harry grinned while Louis' eyes widened.

"That for Louis?," the boy whispered, looking up at Harry a little insecure before the kitten meowed, lifting one paw up to Louis, causing the younger boy to giggle shyly. "It's so cute!" He squealed and shyly moved to take him, smiling as he held it against his chest.

"Thank, daddy! Kitten like Louis!" Louis smiled happily while Harry hummed, watching the two.

"He does, baby. How are you feeling?" Harry bit harshly down on his lip as he eyed Louis. "Good, daddy.. A little floaty" Louis grinned and kissed the kittens head before he trotted over to the couch and sat down.

"He purring!!" Louis squealed and snuggled closer to the kitten that just meowed gently, "L-Louis call you Simba! Nala and Simba, that fits d-don't it daddy?"

"So pwetty.. Fluffy!" Louis smiled and laid down, gently stroking the small kitten that decided to rest on Louis' chest.

"Almost as pretty as my little boy.. God, I've missed you," Harry whispered kneeling down beside of the couch where Louis laid on and nuzzled gently into the younger boy' side, smiling. He felt so lost without Louis..

Harry never liked to depend on someone. Yet Louis became that someone. But he would never complain because Louis was his pretty little boy. They were together, no matter if Louis was in his headspace or not.

"Louis loooves daddy," Louis purred happily and tilted his head to the side as the little kitten curled up next to Louis, yawning before he fell asleep. Harry chuckled and moved up to look down at Louis, "and daddy loves his Louis.."

He planted a kiss on Louis' lips and groaned lowly, rolling on top of the smaller boy who huffed underneath Harry's weight.

"Ugh, daddy's heavey!" Louis blushed shyly. Harry loved the mistakes he made while he spoke in his little space.

"Yeah? Should daddy roll off?" Louis pouted lightly and shook his head quickly, wrapping his arms and legs around Harry's body, snuggling impossibly tight to him.

"No, Noo! Like it.." Louis purred and nuzzled in Harry's neck. "You're almost like a kitten, too," Harry whispered and felt his eyes flutter close as Louis latched his lips onto Harry's neck.

"Would love to put kitten ears on you.."

Louis squealed happily and peppered Harry's neck full of kisses before he tilted his head to the side and meowed. Fucking mimicking the sounds of a cat. If Harry hadn't lost his mind yet, he certainly did now.

"Louis' a kitten, daddy!" The younger boy blushed and bit down on his lip as he felt the man on top of him grow harder. "Daddy?"

"Mhm?" Harry mumbled while he busied himself with kissing down Louis' neck slowly, savouring every inch of it.

Cold Night Boy (Larry au; BDSM)Where stories live. Discover now