~ 11 ~

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how was Christmas?? Did you all get what you wished for? If yes, AWESOME.
please don't hate me for the ending of the chapter.. And a massive thank you for 4K reads. I never thought that this book would get so much <3

"Please welcome Louis Tomlinson."

Miss Mary smiled gently at the boy who was pretty small for his age, and mentioned for him to come over to her. Louis swallowed and played with the hem of his sweater, fiddling it in his fingers while everyone's attention in the classroom was focused on him.

He didn't like a lot of people looking at him. It made him unsure, made his mind spin. What where they thinking? How pathetic and small he looked?

"Hello Louis", a mutual greeting went through the classroom causing Louis' cheeks to flush softly.

"Hi" he muttered and bit down on his lip, looking back up to his teacher who smiled encouragingly at him, "why don't you tell them something about you?" Louis slowly nodded his head.

"Well um, I'm seventeen and live in Maddison Street.." A soft gasp turned up. It was known that the rich kids lived in this street since, well the biggest mansion were scattered there.

Louis cleared his throat shyly, "and I like to read.." His gaze turned down and he wished to have Harry behind him, holding his hand. But he had to be a big boy right? So he straightened up and smiled at his classmates.

"That's nice, Louis! Just sit down next to Jessica, the seat is free for you."

Louis nodded happily and went through the rows to sit down next to a brown haired girl, "hey I'm Louis." He smiled and rested his bag on his lap, looking at her green eyes.

They had the same colour like Harry's but Harry's shone more beautiful. But she was pretty.

"It's nice to meet you, Louis! I'm Jessica but everyone calls me Jess, so.. Feel free to do just that" she chuckled softly and smiled, "hey I can show you around? After class. You can sit with us at lunch, it's kinda hard to find a place to sit when you're the new kid.."

She furrowed her brows slightly as if she just noticed that she was babbling and blushed right after mumbling a shy "sorry". Louis grinned widely. She was cute.

"That's very nice of you", he whispered softly, "thanks."


"Zayn scoot over, will ya?"

Jess rolled her eyes softly and smiled at Louis before mentioning for him to sit down. Class went over better than he thought. He understood everything Miss Mary taught them this lesson and it honestly was fun.

"Hello", Louis smiled shyly and waved at the small round of four people including Jess before he sat down with his tray of food in front of a brown haired boy that had eyes like a fluffy teddy bear and a black haired boy whose arms were scattered in tattoos.

"Louis, this is Zayn and that's Liam. Biggest dorks I know but they're nice", Jess laughed and shook her head softly, winking at the boys.

"Hiya, mate. I'm the captain of the football team", the brown haired lad grinned proudly and shook Louis' hand, "you should join, man. We could need someone like you in the team.."

Louis nodded shyly and smiled, "I'll make sure to give it a try?" Liam nodded quickly and grabbed his Coke, sipping on it while Zayn extended his hand to him.

"He always brags about that.. But he's a fine ass player", Zayn smirked and shook Louis hand, "my fine ass player with a pretty fine ass indeed.." He laughed darkly and cupped Liam's face in his hand, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips.

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