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a/n: Hiii how is everybody?

I just noticed that it's high time to update this story again! So here you go, I hope you enjoy.

''Do you want to stop by the ice cream shop? You can taste any flavour you'd like..'' Harry smiled and looked at the smaller boy that was stil so young for something so terrible happening to him

It made his heart ache. He wanted to give the boy everything his heart desired, wanted to build love and trust up again after it had been shattered years ago with the loss of Louis' parents.

Louis still did not understand why they just left.. He was so young, anything could have happen to such a small boy being left alone.

He sniffled once before he shook his head, ''No that's very.. kind of you but I'm getting belly hurting from it.'' Louis frowned and looked down. He wasn't like the other kids.

Louis did not like to eat junk food or very sweet things. Such as chocolate or ice cream. Just because he grew up eating mostly berries or flesh from a shot deer. Mommy and Daddy did have a huge storeroom, filled with food for the upcoming winter. It was enough for a little Louis, till he had to learn to hunt for himself.

But daddy taught him.

Harry furrowed his brows softly, ''oh? I've never heard of a child getting cramps from eating ice cream. Just from eating too much of it,'' he laughed, a kind-hearted warm laugh that filled the car.

Louis blushed.

''I just.. don't like stuff like this I know I'm weird.'' Louis breathed out, clutching his teddy tighter to his chest and nuzzled his face in its neck.

''You are not.. You are different, Louis. A very smart young boy. And I'm very glad that I picked you to spend me company'', Harry cooed, tapping Louis' chin up to cause the boy to look at him.

They both breathed out shakily, their eyes searching for the other ones.

There was a sudden tension in the air as the two males studied each other, Harry's forest green eyes scanning over Louis' face curiously. ''Your eyes remind me of the forest.. in summer. Pretty and green'', Louis said shyly before he was turning his face away to look out of the window as they drove up to Harry's house.

'House' was an underestimated term. Residence, mansion described it better.

It was kept in a formal but noble white with two balconys and Louis was already excited to find out what laid behind it in the yard. Harry told him that it was huge. He hoped he would keep his promise and spent one night in a tent, outside.

Harry was left stunned, a small smile coming up on his face. The boy was full of surprises.


As they trotted inside, Louis clutched his things tightly to his chest. Harry's mansion was warm and nicely decorated. Pretty.

Louis pushed his fringe out of his face, taking his shoes off and placed them underneath the jackets that hung on a hook on the wall, before he backed up against the wall. Curious eyes scanning the floor while Harry moved inside.

''I hope you like it here..'' Harry hummed quietly, moving to slide his coat off his broad shoulders. He had such an elegance that caused Louis' cheek to brigthen up. He felt like a little child next to the man.

''It is very nice, Sir. More that I could wish for..'' Louis got quieter to the end of his sentence and chewed on his lip slowly before Harry chuckled and nodded, gesturing for Louis to look over to the stairs, his large palm placed on the younger boy's small back.

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