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"Hush little baby, don't make a sound
Papa's gonna buy you a mockingbird."


'Who do you belong to, little one?'

Harry's deep voice, a little scratchy but so low that it made Louis shiver every time the older man leaned to him and whispered.

'You daddy, j-just you," Louis' voice shook softly

Memories were making its way into Louis' head, from back when his parents used to sing to him, a little slurred but they still sang to him.

They cared.

And they left.

Louis' life didn't start right, he wasn't given the opportunities a child should have to grow up to a strong, independent person with a stable personality. His personality was broken into little pieces, driven by fear and loneliness. No one really cared for him since he was left alone in the woods. There wasn't a lot Louis remembered, anyways.

But suddenly there was a man intruding into his life, turning it upside down, giving him what was missing all the time. It scared Louis, yes. Even more, it made him feel vulnerable.

He did nothing to deserve Harry's love and wasn't able to give him anything back.

If people love you, care for you, take a part within your life, they're able to hurt you, too.

Louis wiped his hot tears off his wet cheeks, sniffling quietly as he wrapped his arms around himself, a weak attempt to warm his already shuddering body. He was trying to find a way out of the dark alleys that the exit of the club lead him into but failed.

"H-H-hush little baby," he started to hum quietly, lips shaking. "H-hawwy's going to leave, too.. He cared and h-he's going to leave Loui'.. All 'lone. S'cold," he slid down a wall, tucking his knees up to his chest and burying his face in there, crying quietly. Louis didn't know where he was. But he didn't care.

He was threatening to loose himself again, withdrawing from anything and anyone around him.


Harry's eyes narrowed very quickly as they bored into the young girl in front of him, who gulped visibly. She was on the verge of tears, not because she broke the promise to watch over Louis, but because Louis really was gone. And she was afraid something would have happened to him.

"What do you mean he is gone, Jess?"

He couldn't imagine Louis running away from him. Why would he? He was a little boy after all, knew that he was Harry's. Louis loved him after all, didn't he?

"H-he was going for a wee and never came back I.. We looked everywhere for him."

Harry grit his teeth together hard, anger boiling up in his chest. He told Jess to look after him. But then again he couldn't blame the girl for Louis' disappearance.

"Jesus Christ," Harry mumbled, fishing his phone out of his pyjama pants, pinching the bridge of his nose as he went to the messages.

"I sent him texts but they wouldn't get through.. Guess, the usual bad connection in clubs, huh?" His eyes were piercing. Voice cold and hard, not daring to let his sadness and worry break through and get to him.
Jess shuddered and nodded.

Cold Night Boy (Larry au; BDSM)Where stories live. Discover now