I Sit Here And Smile: Scarlette's POV

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I was laying in bed when Andy came in. I never made him knock, just let him walk in. It didn't bother me, except it bothered me when the rest of the guys thought it was okay. I sat up. My ribs were healing nicely, and I was finally well enough to sit, stand, and walk. I could even sing and scream. Andy's blue eyes shone. "Scarlette." he said, closing the door behind him.

"Yeah?" I replied, getting ready to stand up.

"Last night, Ashley got attacked. Jinxx attacked him. He's getting a little violent to be in this band. Ever since you came, it's been different. Just 5 guys from L.A. who has some kind of talent. Now, it's about staying guys. Just guys. I'm worried something's gonna happen to you." he said, moving his fringe out of his eyes.

It took everything I had in me not to squeal when he did it. I just nodded very seriously. He sat next to me on my bed. I was prepared for the worst, but I didn't say so. He sat there for a minute in silence. "Scarlette, I really love you." he said, looking at me with those blue eyes of his.

"I love you too, Andy." I said, smiling.

He placed a hand on my leg, telling me everything was ok. "Stay here, kiddo." he said, walking out.

I stayed there, smiling the whole time. A few short minutes later, he returned. He held a small box in his left hand. He held it out to me. I took the box, smiling wider. I opened the box. Inside was a silver necklace with a silver guitar. On one side, it said Scarlette. On the other, it said The Mortician's Daughter. I looked at Andy. He smiled. "Andy! I-it's beautiful!" I stuttered.

He laughed. "I knew you'd like it."

He helped me put it on. I smiled. Andy took my hand into his. "Are you going to come with me? I'm going to a radio station. I don't wanna get mobbed by girls." he asked.

I thought for a sec. "Sure. I just need help with my gear."

Andy and some of the other guys had bought me gear, so I could perform onstage with them. Andy had picked out my wardrobe, leather, mostly. Ashley picked up some knee high combats. Perfect. Jinxx bought me a black studded bracelet. CC and Jake bought me a special microphone just because. I had Andy help me with my makeup and hair.

"You look good," Andy said, standing back to admire his work.

I laughed. "Well you did do my makeup."

He laughed. We gathered the rest of the band and decided that since Jake, who was even more hungover from last night's show, would go, just because Andy had promised him. Ashley, Jinxx, and CC stayed in the bus. Andy had a bottle of some drink that I couldn't pronounce the name of. The twist cap made it classy, so I was told.

I stayed away from the booze and the ciggies. Jake, however, clutched his bottle tightly to his chest. Andy held a pack of cigarettes and a lighter in one hand. With the other, he held me close to him. I smiled. When we got to the radio place, Andy lit a cigarette and inhaled smoke. He blew it out slowly. I held his hand protectively. The man sitting behind one mic introduced us to the universe. He had me intoduce myself, though, because he couldn't remember it. "Hey everybody. My name's Scarlette. But you can call me The Mortician's Daughter!"

Andy laughed. "That is very true. She is the mortician's daughter back in L.A."

Jake smiled, totally hungover still. The man asked him, "So, Jake. What keeps you sane on tour?"

Jake replied with a drunk smile. "Booze and women." he answered happily.

Andy took a swig of his drink. "What're you drinking there, Andy?" the guy asked.

Andy had already set the bottle down on the ground, so he picked it back up. "I'm drinking something...I can't pronounce. It has a twist cap, so that makes it classy." he said, laughing.

The man laughed loudly. The interview carried on like this for another 15 minutes before Jake decided he was too drunk to answer anything. I laughed at his failed attempt to speak. His words slurred into nothing, just incoherant sounds. Andy took him by the hand and helped him out of his chair. "No more late night booze for you, mister." he said, much like a dad would to his son.

I laughed. Fans were screaming outside, all at Andy. I ignored his insane amount of attention that he was getting. It did bother me that they were mostly girls, but then again, I'd had a few fans before. Why didn't that bother Andy? He was professional in a goofy kinda way, I suppose, but he was still Andy Six. Andy Biersack. My boyfriend.

As we made our way across the parking lot to the bus, we ran into a fan who asked Andy to sing her Happy Birthday. Since he was totally drunk, he sang pretty badly, but it excited the fan anyway. Andy and I carried Jake back to the bus. He couldn't walk right on his own without falling flat on hsi face, which was funny the first three times. After that, though, we got annoyed with his slurring whines and carried him.

Jinxx was laying on the couch when we walked in. He rested his head against a pillow. It was very interesting to see him asleep in full gear. I tossed a pillow at him and he grumbled, rolling over, pissed. I walked to Andy's room with him and plopped on his bed. He made me cover my eyes with a pillow while he change. I laughed at the idea, but whatever Andy wants, it's ok with me.

I smiled when he finally said I could look. He looked amazing. He was wearing plain black skinny jeans and a black v-neck tee. It complimented his black hair and made his blue eyes stand out more. I looked into his eyes. He laughed. "What? What is it?" he asked.

"Your eyes are so cute!" I squealed.

He laughed some more. "Thanks, Scars."

Over the time I was on tour, which was only a few weeks, I had adopted the nickname Scars. I smiled. It was a very cute thing for Andy to say. His voice was pretty deep, and it was amazing to listen to. "Since the tour hasn't officially started, I'm making a video later. I'm gonna need to be alone. I want to keep you a secret. So Ashley's taking you shopping. Have fun!" he said.

I smiled and rolled my eyes playfully. Shopping with Ashley? How fun! I was going shopping with a famous guy. He could seriously pass as a girl though. I got up. There was no use in changing out of my gear and corpse paint. I left the multiple scars on my face, letting myself be Scars, not Scarlette.

Ashley and I left. We went to the mall and picked up some regular hang out clothes, and then went all out with the leather stuff. Amazing! I looked incredible.

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