You: Jinxx's POV

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Early the next morning, I was layin in my bed, staring at the ceiling. I glanced over at the door to find Scarlette standing there. She was barely covered in her skinny pajamas. I rolled my eyes. That slut.

"Can I talk to you, please?" she asked, playing with her hands.

I sighed. I had nothing to lose. "Sure, I guess." I replied halfheartedly.

She walked in and sat ona chair uncomfortably. I smiled. "No, no. Get into the bed. It's more comfy." I said, suddenly realized that I could risk getting into trouble with Andy.

Reluctantly, Scarlette sat on the edge of the bed . I smiled again. "What'd you wanna talk about?" I asked, slightly worried that it'd be stupid or weird or awkward.

She sighed, as if she was working up the courage. FInally, she asked, "Why do you hate me?"

I was shocked. She thought I hated her!? PSH! No, I didn't. "I don't!" I exclaimed, frowning.

She gasped. "Then what's been up your ass since I started dating Andy?" she asked.

I froze. I couldn't tell her, could I? No, she'd tell Andy! And I would be dead for sure. But she deserved the answer. The truth. Even if it meant Andy Hating me. "I love you," I finally said.

Scarlette sat there, open mouthed. Flabbergasted. "You what?!" she exclaimed breathlessly.

I frowned. "I-I love you."


Scarlette left. Probably to tell Andy. Ilocked myself in my room. i fell asleep, dreaming about crashing Andy's wedding and taking Scarlette for myself. It was going to be awkward going to her wedding in a tux and watching her throw her life away, marrying Andy. I made one final decision. I had to stop this wedding.


I know I haven't updated in a while on my BVB stories. Sorry. School's caught up with me and I constantly have homework! =( I will update ASAP. I have a few more TMD chapters written out in a notebook, I just haven't posted them. I love all my fans, especially SinfullyWasted, AshleyisPurdyhot23, xLissaT3rrorx, LightMyNight, and EchoDukayne. You've helped me through all the chapter writing and stuff and I appreciate it. Unfortunately, I think TMD has lost it's spot in Fan Fics, so I'm a little disappointed, but I will continue writing. This story is almost over, so I don't really know how long it'll take me to write the final chapters...But It'll be good, especially the wedding. Love you all,

--Shadow O'Connor

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