I Left You: Scarlette's POV

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I was shaking by the time we reached our next venue. Jinxx told me I'd have to go onstage to take Andy's place. I freaked out. I couldn't do it without Andy! He was my everything, and the band was just four guys with instruments without him!

My hands shook as I uneasily pulled on my knee-high combat boots and laced them up. Andy put a hand on my knee. "Calm down, babe!" he laughed, pulling himself into a sitting position.

"You'll do fine, I promise." he said, looking at my outfit.

I stood next to his bed, adorned in leather, my makeup done, and my hair teased as high as it would go. The hairspray fumes coated my lungs, making my cough a little every so often. I was worried I would mess up, but we'd been over it several times and Andy said I was good.

I wanted so much to believe him, but I couldn't. I felt like I was going to mess up. Scared, I helped Andy out of his bed and walked him to the kitchen where everyone else stood. Four guys adorned in makeup, leather, and studs, stood in the middle of the kitchen, talking. Someone was missing, Andy.

I felt bad taking his place, knowing his fans would be so disappointed. Ashley took my hand. "Ready, kiddo?" he asked, smiling.

Nervous, I breathed deeply. "Ready as I'll ever be." I replied, smiling at Andy.

Andy kissed me before we walked out. I thought he was staying here, but I was wrong.


Backstage at the show, Andy sat next to the stage where he could see everything from behind a curtain. I laughed. "What are you doing here?"

"Couldn't miss my baby girl's first show, now could I?" he responded, smiling adorably and lighting a cigarette.

First, Christian, Ashley, Jake, and Jinxx went out and introduced the band. Then, Jinxx gave my cue. "And now, filling in for Andy Six, welcom Scars!" 

I smiled at Andy and walked out. The show went on without any complications, right until we finished the song We Stitch These Wounds.  That's when things went wrong. Someone in the crowd was flipping us off, yelling.

Andy got up from his spot backstage and walked onto the stage. He grabbed the mic from me and said, "I want you all to turn around and look at that guy, right there. He's been flipping the band off this entire show. On the count of three, I want you all to yell, 'Fuck you!' Ok?  One, two, three! Fuck you!"


The whole crowd yelled with Andy. The hater left, redfaced, and the show continued. I kissed Andy and he left. We picked up the next song on the list and it went perfectly.

I was glad everything went great. After the show, there was a meet and greet, which Andy attended, in full gear. He signed pictures, posters, even one kid's cheek. I laughed at him when he cracked jokes. This was the real Andy.

The hater dude came up to me and apologized. "Yeah, that's right. You better apologize to my girl. You idiot." Andy said, still steamed.

I put a hand on his shoulder. "Chill, Andy." I said in a low voice.

He glanced at me. "Fine."

I rolled my eyes and looked back at the hater. "What an idiot. Come to a show to flip us off? Puh-lease." I said, turning back to Andy.

The hater walked away, embarassed. Looks like I did my job.


With the show finally over, we walked back to the van. The guys, excluding Andy, carried me. The whole way, everyone cheered for me and Andy telling off the haters. I laughed, red faced. "Please, it was all Andy." I insisted.

"Andy didn't throw a half-empty bottle of whiskey at him, though." Ashley said.

I looked at Christian, who was staring at the ground. "What's wrong, CC?" I asked.

"Y-you threw m-m-my whiskey!" he sobbed.

I laughed. "Don't worry, kiddo. We'll get you some more. I promise." I said, trying to balance myself as Jinxx set me on the ground.


We laughed as we walked into the bus. Tired out, I went straight to the shower, and then straight to bed. I had a long day ahead of me tomorrow.

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