Yachi x Reader

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You ignore the chatter, the soft patter of rain to your left, the squeak of a chair as it pulls out. You ignore all the cafe noise and stare at the pretty young woman in front of you. Her cheeks are tainted red as usual, probably more so from the cold wind you two were in only moments beforehand. Her brown eyes looking at you with a warmth she only reserved for you. She was speaking, her soft pink lips moving with her words but you weren't listening. You stared at her with interest, and you only started to pay attention when she said you name.

"(L/N)-san what do you think?" She asked you hopeful. Shit.

"Yachi I told you to call me (F/N). Just (F/N) with no honorifics. I know it's something you do in Japan but here in America we use first names with no titles, unless they're your boss or you're in a formal setting. I'll tell you if I'm with you"

"Ah sorry I'll try to remember! So what do you think I should get her?" Oh she's getting someone something?

"Uh well I'd try and get her a T-Shirt of her favorite band or maybe a CD? Or you could always just get her a snow globe or something" You suggest.

"Yeah, but I think I should do something special for my mother. She's been there for my whole life. I can't give her a snow globe" Yachi says. HOW AWKWARD.

"Sorry I wasn't paying attention. I was too busy thinking of kissing you" Her face lit up with red as she looked away and stuttered out incomprehensible words.

"Aw you're so cute when your flustered like that!" You say and laugh even more when she stops her stuttering and just goes silent. A waitress comes over with various drinks on her circular plastic tray and sets down your two coffee mugs filled with hot chocolate, marshmallows and whipped cream on top. Once its set on the table with a audible noise you pick it up and bring it to your lips.

"You're going to burn your tongue!" Yachi scolds you like a child.

"I don't care!" You say and drink a small sip. You immediately put the cup down and clench your jaw. Yachi smiles at you and blows on hers before also taking a small sip. You sigh contently and reach your hand out to hers, then tangle your fingers together. You see a smile grace her face unconsciously and you make her smile even more when you bring your hands up to your lips with a small kiss.

"You're overly romantic" She comments shyly and you giggle.

"Anything to see you smile"
After you two have had your hot chocolate and lunch you two head out hand in hand into the rain with your red umbrella. She leans on you, your arms twisted against each other as you hold the umbrella with the other hand.

"Where to now?" You ask her and she simply says home.
You two scramble into your shared apartment, wiping your shoes against the mat outside the door and remove our coats and scarfs. Yachi is wearing a cute grey sweater which looks good on her figure. She looks at you and takes your hand. She drags you to the couch and orders her to lay with her while she looks for a movie to watch. You two had been dating for a little over a year now, and you'd always watch movies together while cuddling after your little lunch dates. It was close to Thanksgiving so Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving was on. You didn't really pay attention since you'd seen the movie many times growing up and always had a sense of nostalgia wash over you, but it seems your girlfriend had captivated your attention once more.

She's sitting to your left, curled up to your side with a blanket covering both of you. Her attention is focused on the movie with a amused look on her face. Her blonde hair is tied back in a loose pony tail, with a few locks of hair framing the side of her face. The lights are off so it was fairly dim, the curtains covering the windows letting in little light.

"Yachi" You say softly, but she doesn't hear you. You cup her cheek, forcing her to look at you and kiss her. She muffles her surprise before kissing you back in a short but sweet kiss.

"W-What was that for?"

"Because I want you to know you're beautiful and I love you" You say. Surprise flashes her face and you wonder if you messed up. You understand saying "I love you" in Japan is a really big deal compared to American standards but your relieved when you hear her softly say it back.

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