Oikawa x Fem!Senapai!Reader

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Sitting by the window you held a sucker in your hand, letting it roll off your tongue. Oikawa watched intently with a blush on his face being distracted from his work. Of course you knew he was watching which is exactly why you made an effort to be as over sexual as possible. Amusement filled you as you popped the sucker from your lips. He was like a little puppy, being used your total control

Letting your tongue glide over the rounded sucker you glanced at Oikawa making eye contact. His eyes started at you, his jaw clenched and his blush growing.
His growing blush didn't help how Oikawa felt. Saliva gathered in his mouth causing him to swallow with anticipation. His eyes wandered from your mouth to your facial expression being startled when you made eye contact. Especially when you stuck the sucker in your mouth and licked your lips. He felt his lips tremble, your name at the tip of his tongue as he imagination ran wild.

Oikawa's eyes followed like a hawk when you took the sucker and dipped it in your mouth . You stuck out your tongue, glide it over and let your teeth scrape it gently.
You almost felt bad for him. Almost.

You violently bite the sucker while making eye contact with him, your gaze suddenly turning into a icy glare. An unpleasant shutter shook his body. You turned your head back to the lesson as if nothing happened and pricked the stuck from your mouth the sucker now gone.
...after class...
As the students filled out you would have left too if a certain prince hadn't dragged you out first. Holding your hand you he leads you to a unused classroom, shutting the doors and locking it. He makes sure to pull the blinds down and turns to you with a playful smile. Cornering you against the door.

"(L/N)-Senpai that was an enjoyable show. Not including that last part" you smirk and he lean closer to you. One hand pins you to the door with your hands above your head as his other cups your face.

"Care to show me again?" He whispers seductively. Alright enough bullshit here. You free your hands, grab his collar and force him backwards. His knees hit the teachers desk and is knocked on his back, shock over taking his features. You may be smaller than him but you can take charge and be very intimidating when you want to. A smirk plays on your face. Once again a blush undertakes his face when he realizes you'd straddling him. You pin his hands to the side of his face as you lean down and whisper in his ear.

"Oikawa you may be the prince of Aoba Johsai but I am the queen"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2016 ⏰

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