Chapter Ten: Angels and Devils

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   I run down that hall as fast as my legs can carry me. Run away from Alexander, from Curtis, from all my troubles. But then I bump straight in to trouble. I bump straight in to my mistress, who looks down at me with a surprised look. I stutter, "I-I'm sorry, Miss." 

  Her eyes turn stormy. "How dare you run down my freshly polished hall! Get back to work!" she shouts.

  Then she asks, "Have you seen Alexander?" 

  "He's down the hall," I say, trying but failing to hide the disdain in my voice.

  She marches down the hall purposefully, in search of her "little angel". Too bad. She won't find any angel. All she'll find is a devil in angel's clothing.

    Later that day, I'm washing some floors when Alexander walks in. I turn my back to him disdainfully, the very sight of him making my arms ache where he pushed me in to the wall. He catches my eye, and hangs his head in shame. Good. Let him be ashamed. He should be.

  "Listen, Rosalie..." he says, trailing off. I stop him right there.

  "Listen, Alexander," I say in a mocking tone, "get away from me. Your very presence is making me physically sick. Don't think you even have a chance with me. I won't ever fall over my feet for you again. You know what? You are handsome. But that doesn't mean I'll put up with being used for my body." I realize I'm practically echoing Curtis's words from last night. Funny. Last night, I thought Curtis was just being ridiculous and jealous. It took one little action to realize how true his words were.

  I glance at Alexander's face. He looks rejected, abandoned, sad. It feels......empowering. The girl who has nothing standing up against the boy who has everything.

  Just to be mean, to rub a little salt in the wound, I say, "Feel rejected. Feel what ever you want to feel. But I know I'm right for rejecting you." He looks up at me with a sad puppy dog eyes. 

  Just to annoy him more, I say, "You know what? I'll still go to the party with you. Only so I can tell every important girl in the kingdom who the real Alexander is."

  This time, he snarls, "You wouldn't." I smile smugly.

  "Maybe I would. If you test my limits any more, I will," I say, teasing him. He stomps out, muttering to himself.

   That night, I go home with more pride, more dignity than before. I stood up for myself. I took a stand against this boy who was using me. Against this boy who I used to think was my prince. How awful that my prince was a frog. I walk in to the apothecary's shop and slam the door.

 Curtis looks up. "Angry much?" he asks.

  "Hell yes!" I yell. Just like that, the whole story comes out. By the end, I feel nothing but relief. Until I see the smug look on his face.

  "If you say I told you so," I threaten, "I will smack you."

  He doesn't say I told you so. 

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