Chapter 1

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Amy's P.O.V

Me and my best friend had moved onto the same street and were starting at our new school today. My alarm clock was ringing and I pulled my duvet cover over my head. I laid listening to the bells before getting up and hitting the clock as hard as I could. I sighed heavily, pulling myself out of bed and rummaging through my wardrobe for something to wear. I grabbed my red jeans and a plain white shirt. Before pulling on my black converse. Makeup has never really been my thing unless it's a "special occasion" So basically just gigs, birthdays, Christmas, new year and dates; but I never go on dates so it's a rare effort. I ran down the stairs grabbing an apple and picking up my shoulder bag.

"See ya mum!" I yelled, walking out the door and closing it quickly before she had a chance to comment on my breakfast. I don't really enjoy eating. I could pass on it to be completely honest.

I stood outside the door of next doors house which was where my best mate lived. Our parents work together and are close friends too so they moved together for a new job opportunity. The door opened slowly and she stood smiling at me.

"Amz! Come on in a sec while I put my shoes on." She smiled. I giggled, following her in and leaning against the wall in the hallway.

"Elle you will literally be late to your own funeral." I giggled.

"Yeah I've been up since 6! What time did you get up? 10 minutes ago I'm guessing." She laughed, pulling on her converse boots.

"Yeah. 10 minutes before needing to leave and I'm still ready before you." I laughed, holding her bag out to her. "Now when you're ready let's go!"

"You had breakfast?" She asked, locking the door while I stood on the footpath.

"I had an apple." I shrugged.

"Apples don't count." She said.

"Yeah, well I've not see one rock star who is fat." I said.

"You're not fat." She sighed.

"I know. But I can't risk becoming fat." I smiled. "This is an important year for me."

"It's an important year for everyone Mimi... It's year 11. Final exams and all that." She laughed.

"Yeah, and we're starting a new school at the end of November. 2 months after everyone else. I'm 2 months behind!" I said, dragging my hands down my face.

"Calm down, it's not like we're starting a month before exams is it?" She giggled.

"I guess so." I smiled, throwing my apple core in the bin. "D'ya know what you're taking?"

"Erm... Art and Photography are my options." She smiled. "Still have to take English, Maths and Science and all that bollocks. What about you?"

"I got Music." I grinned.

"What only one!?" She gasped.

"Yep. Get a free period to do as I please." I giggled.

"You jammy bugger." She giggled, pushing me slightly as we got to the school.

We were greeted by one of the teachers. I looked around trying to get a rough idea of the people in this school.

"Hello girls can I help you?" The teacher smiled.

I Don't Want To Be Your Secret (Josh McClorey & Pete O'Hanlon/The Strypes)Where stories live. Discover now