Chapter 4

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Estelle's P.O.V.

It was around 6 am again when I woke up. Didn't surprise me at all. I grabbed my phone and scrolled through Tumblr a little. I saw that Amy had texted me in the middle of the night:

I really am sorry Elle X

I quickly texed her back saying that it was okay and that she shouldn't have to apologise. We'd talked about it for a moment and that was enough.
I got out of bed, grabbed some clean underwear, my favorite jeans and a dark grey sweater. It wasn't even officially winter, but I already was cold. I walked over to the bathroom and took a nice and long shower.

After I got dressed and brushed my hair, I quietly walked downstairs to grab some breakfast. I sighed as I opened the fridge and cabinets. Mom hadn't been able to get groceries and I didn't have the time due to school. We seriously needed someone to help us around from time to time. Amy's mom had been offering her help, but mom only wanted her to help her with work, not in our private life.

I ate my banana and a piece of toast while playing a video game in the living room. About an hour later, the doorbell rang and I looked at the clock to see what time it was. I quickly grabbed my shoes as I walked to the door and opened it. "Heya Mimi!"

"Hiya." She smiled. "Let me guess, still have to put on your shoes?"

I shrugged, "Maybe."

Amy laughed and walked inside, heading to the living room.

"Amy, could you save my game while I put on my shoes?" I asked, jumping into the living room with one shoe half on. She nodded and I sat down on the floor to tie my shoelaces.

We quickly walked to school and as we walked by the forest, I stopped.

"Elle, we'll be late." Amy snorted.

"Like you care." I replied. I heard a chuckle and Amy came standing next to me.

"What are you looking at?"

"I think I'll make the photos for my assignment here." I stated. "After school I'll get my camera and walk back here."

"Al'reyt. Whatever makes you happy chick." Amy smiled.

We walked further and entered the hallway when the first bell rang. We both looked at each other and shrugged before slowly walking into science class.

"Ah Amy, Estelle. How nice of you to drop by." Mr. Walker said sarcastically. "I just made the teams for the dissection assignment. But because you're late, I won't be putting the two of you together."

Amy rolled her eyes at the same time I sighed. Mr. Walker looked around in the room and pointed at Josh and Pete. "You two, split up. Josh, you're now with Amy. And Pete, you're now with Estelle."

"Fuck's sake." Amy mumbled as she grabbed a labcoat and handed me the other one. I followed Amy, she sat down next to Josh, as far away from him as possible, and I walked up to the table behind her and Josh, to sit down next to Pete. I looked around a little and saw Rebecca sitting next to Evan, which she didn't really seem to mind actually. And Jane was sitting next to Ross.

Mr. Walker walked up to each pair and placed the heart we had to dissect in front of us, along with some small knives.

"Romantic, isn't it?" Pete said as he grabbed a knife and poked a little in the heart.

I looked at him and raised an eyebrow, "Just shut up."

I knew Amy was having a hard time doing this, even though she always found it interesting. We both had quite a hard time doing this assignment. Cutting into it released some emotions and memories that we didn't want to have when we were in class.

I Don't Want To Be Your Secret (Josh McClorey & Pete O'Hanlon/The Strypes)Where stories live. Discover now