Part One - Love at first kiss

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*****************Clove's POV**************************



“Move, Clover!” Lenox says aggressively, pushing me into the lockers, my heart stops as I almost loose my balance, I do not want to fall over in front of the whole school but more importantly not in front of Cato.

“Her name’s Clove, actually.” Cato corrects, then looking away as if ashamed of knowing my name.

“Ugh, whatever” Lenox retorts with a scoff, “Let’s go.” As he walks off with his “gang” I notice Cato stays behind and I can’t get over the closeness of his body, my heart beats faster, he looks around as if checking no one is watching then touches my arm.

“You ok?”, electricity shoots from my arm all over my body . I attempt to speak but only a squeak comes out of my lips, I start to blush and I nod. I scold myself for not being able to talk to him, I talk to him well enough in my dreams. For the rest of the day I can still feel his hand on my arm and I replay the scene between us over and over again, did it mean something? Does he care about me? I shake off the thoughts of romance out of my head thinking they were only my imagination, why would Cato care about me? The physically impressive guy that is aggressive but has a beautiful soft spot for the people he cares about. In History my mind starts to wander, I start to plan the wedding between Cato and I, I plan how many children we would have.

“Oi, back to Panem.” Astria nudges me from my fantasy.

“You looked like a right weirdo, staring out the window with a massive grin on your face.” My cheeks glow red and I’m embarrassed at the childish mind I still have despite my age.

"Oh right sorry." I reply and try to focus on the white sprawling letter on the black board but my mind wanders to that meeting, that touch.

"Hey, for the second time Clove, why are you so happy?" Astria demands, sounding frustrated.

"Sorry, sorry. Hmm nothing much, I'm just thinking about training." I lie.  I never lie to her but I can't tell her about Cato seeing as Cato was her cousin and I doubt she'd like me dating her cousin.

"Training doesn't normally make you that happy, you were like all dreamy and weird."

"Hmm yeah my trainer.." I start to say.

"Ohmygod, you've got a crush on your trainer! Clove, he's like a hundred or something!" She rushes, butting into my speech, never pausing for breath. In a way I'm glad she butted in as I didn't really know what to say anyway.

"No! Eew never!" I moan at thought.

"Phew good. Cato said he pays the peasant girls to.. you know." She whispers the last part. I'm so shocked I don't speak for several minutes, he seemed such a nice, kind guy but I guess he seems like that to the girls as well, I shudder as I realise that I have to see him tonight. I can't go, I won't, I decide.

 As the end of day bell erupts over the school, and I head down the drive, working out in my head whether my father would be home, and if he wasn't what I would do to avoid training. Too busy to notice what was going on I feel a hand on my arm and automatically whip round and punch the attacker hard in the stomach, winding them.Then I realised who it was, Cato.

“Wow that’s a strong punch for a titch!” he laughs still wheezing for air.

“Oh my god I’m so sorry!” is all I can say before he brushes his lips gently onto mine, everything around me freezes and the world stops spinning.

He breaks away and says “Sorry I just had to do that, you going to the centre?” with a cheeky grin on his face. I nod silently so I don’t risk trying to say something and embarrassing myself in front of him again, not after what just happened. I feel his fingertips slide down my palm and lace together around my fingers, the he looks at me worriedly, and I wonder if he thinks he’s made a mistake.

“Is this ok, I mean you haven’t said much.” He asks anxiously, he reminds me of a small innocent child.

“Of course it is, I mean it’s not like I’ve been dreaming this would happen or something” I says surprised at the clearness of my voice then I realise what I just said and avoid his beautiful blue eyes staring at mine.  I expect him to take his hand back and say “You’re so immature” but he doesn’t he just leans down and kisses my neck slowly making his way to my lips where he kisses me passionately and I find myself kissing back despite my shaking hands.


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So that was the first part, hopefully of many. Sorry it was so short but hey. I hoped you guys liked it and i'll update soon.


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