Part Eleven - Dinner and the preperations

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Nobody really made any sound during our dinner, the air was awkward and no one knew how to break it. I stare at my still full plate, not sure what exactly what it is but the colour usually tells someone not to eat it or not, I doubt a poisonous yellow thick liquid is supposed to be edible. An avox makes her way to our table, placing strange glasses in front of us. I think they’re win glasses as my father once brought home some of those glasses and a green bottle holding an inky smelling red drink, shudder at the remembrance. I decide to try and smash down the silence wall but I struggle for a topic, I can’t bring myself to talk about the Games and there isn’t much else I know that we can talk about, I look around the room for inspiration.

“Ok, I know we’re all embarrassed by a certain situation but what happened. Let’s just move on.” Brutus steps in. I nod in agreement to him, I look at Cato who seems to be daydreaming, I kick his leg under the table.

“Yes I agree.” He suddenly says, snapping awake.

“So tonight is the tribute parade. This is when weird Capitol people dress you up in ridiculous clothing.” Brutus laughs. His laugh although slightly menacing has an infectious feel to it. “Basically, because you’re careers so just try and look scary despite the no doubt non scary costume. Think you can handle that?”

“I don’t think Cato will have any trouble with that. Careers mostly seem to be arrogant and think they know best. Cato seems to already have those qualities so he should be fine.” Enobaria speaks up, we’re all shocked as she hasn’t spoken since the train incident and something tells me she hasn’t forgiven him for what happened. I watch Cato anxiously, waiting to intervene if he gets mad.

“Look, I know I shouldn’t have gotten mad at you, and I can’t apologise enough, but I didn’t know about that guy you loved. If I’d have known… I’m just sorry; I don’t want it to be like this anymore.”

“How do you know about Falik?” She snaps, once again glaring at Cato. No one answers her, but we all dart our eyes towards Brutus, who avoids eye contact with anyone and stares at his plate guiltily. “You. You told them, didn’t you.”

“I had to. You were acting so awful to the poor kids and they had no idea what they’d even done to get you so angry. It’s best that they know, you could say they can learn from other people’s experiences.” Brutus explains quickly, not pausing for breath.

“This kind of loss is not something you can ever learn. You can never feel the amount of pain you feel when you've lost someone so close to you, even if you try. “ Enobaria’s voice trembles. This is the first time she looks so vulnerable and I don’t see how she could ever be as horrible as she was to us earlier and the train.

“I know that it must’ve been so hard for you but surely you don’t want other people to feel what you felt?”

“Of course not, no one deserves this pain.” She sighs, tears welling up in those not so piercing eyes. “I’ve been awful to you, haven’t I. I am so sorry, I guess my feelings got buried under the anger for the games and the capitol and I let it all out on you when you’ve done nothing wrong.”

“Look, it’s ok. We understand, really. You don’t have to apologise.” I say, I’ve never felt someone’s pain as much as now. I can’t even imagine how she must feel right now.

“I’m apologise profusely but I have to interrupt. We are due to go to the prep rooms to meet your stylists in ten minutes so I’m afraid we will have to leave in the next few minutes.” Lawron suddenly says, again I’d forgotten he was here. Considering he’s an escort he’s a very quiet one, normally escorts are very chatty and friendly, if a bit on the dumb side.

“I swear we should’ve gone to the prep room when we got here?” Cato, who has also been very quiet, spoke up.

“For some districts, yes you are correct. The outline districts such as 12 went to the prep room right after they got off the train. That’s because they need a lot of work to clean themselves up .Whereas you two on the other hand only need a touch here and there and you’re done.”  Lawron explains. He look at the pocket watch tucked in his purple suit jacket and his eyes tell that the time has gone quicker than he had expected. Rising up from the table he orders an avox waiting on us to clear up after us and tells us that we need to go now otherwise we’ll be late. Apparently being late in the Capitol is as bad as not taking a bath every day, which is also very frowned upon but for some of us in the districts, water isn’t always available to wash ourselves with.

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