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Heyyyyyy im finally updating this mainly coz my mate saod if i update now she will update later (u better soph) anyway soz havnt updated in a while mainly coz 2 reasons, 1 idk what to write in this story anymore an 2 dont really think anyone likes this story but oh well what can ya do, anyway im sorry if this chapter is a little mean or anything but blame that on the fact i woke up today to my asshole of an ex basically telling me that he doesnt like me anymore or never did an breaking up with me so he can go fuck himself with a cactuse
Sorry sorry shouldnt have said that um anyway before i keep talking about this lets go back to the story...

Uh im back at school, kill me now please.. I was kicked out of first class for bein rude to a student and kicked out of the second an sent to the principal for telling the teacher to go fuck, but you cant blame me for that it was his fault he was arguing with me an he brought my dead mother into the argument who the hell does that?! So i told him to go fuck whilst grabbing him by the throat and pinning him to a wall.
In trouble already an im not even back a day, great. Anyway after i got warned by the principal an left her room i went to the caffiteria and found sophie, james and chelsea arguing, i see nothings changed in the time iv been off, good. I walked over an shouted , "so this is what i have to come back and listen to is it?" They stopped an looked at me, chelsea ran over and tried to hug me which i then dodged her and she fell face first into the table behind me, sophie came over and tried to talk about bands , again, so i ignored her an asked james, the only one i can have a normal conversation with, what has happened since i was away. He was half way threw telling me when i heard chelsea screech my name, i looked behind me and saw she was on the ground clutching her arm with jak, the asshole of the school who thinks everyone likes him when in reality its the other way around, everyone hated him an it looks like i just got my reason to fight him. I walked over and shoved jak away from chelsea and got her up and said to sophie to grt her out of her, jak then charged at me, uh seriously he should no that never works. I stepped to the side and stuck my leg out, he went barreling over tables and landed in a heep in the corner of the room. He screamed in agony and got up cursing under his breath, by then the whole school had gathered around to watch as no one has ever been brave enough to take jak on.

He walked over to me, surprisingly calm and when he got there, punched me in he gut. I fell to the floor and grunted, then the fun began..

I kicked my leg out and whacked him behind in knee and he fell backwards and when i got up he was standing again, i hissed and he growled, oh i should have meantioned this before, jak is a full werewolf so we never have got on and all so yea, but he swang for me but by the time he did that i had already dodged and got around him, i got him in a bear hug and sqweezed as hard as i couod, he yelped in pain and tried to hit me but missed every time he tried, pathetic.

I got bored of the bear hug so decided instead to crush him into the ground, nearly breaking his neck but unfortunately not enough force to do so as i was getting tired now, sunrise was coming and i knew then that i was in trouble if i didnt knock him out soon, as in in the next 2 minutes soon, i tried everything, stamped on his head, threw him threw walls, everything but he wouldnt go down, then as the sun rose he looked out the window then at me and smirked, i now know what he was doing.. He was waiting for sunrise before fighting back coz he knew once the sun was up i was in dangour.. He started to walk towards me and hit me square in the face, i didnt need to go to the doctor to know that just from the pain that my nose was broken, i cracked it back into place and then decided that i was going ti lose this fight soon, so i went for something i never do, i went for the cheep shots, i kicked him where no boy should be kick then kicked him in the thraot and when he started to get up i smashed a table over his head, when i looked again he was out cold and i faited from the sun a few moments later. When i woke up i had no idea where i was or how i got there but there was a shadow sitting in the corner watching me... When i got up all it said was...
"Dont move or your friend james dies.."

Well thats all for now so soph u better update soon, im away to watch youtube now coz why in the hell not byeeee

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