Chapter 3

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My eyes snap open and I'm blinded by a very bright light. I adjust to the brightness and look from side to side. On my bedside table, two vases full of beautiful flowers have cards on them. I reach for the first vase, which has the pink, red, orange and yellow flowers, and carefully open the card. It is a get well soon card and I drop it on the table. I reach for the other one, the vase is filled with, red roses, orange ombré flowers and even blue ones. That's different. That card is from Sara and the other one is from my family. I touch my forehead and cringe at the pain. My head is bandaged. I jump when I feel someone grab my hand softly. Sara is sitting at a chair beside me.

" Hey, it's okay. Are you okay?" She has slept here all night?

" I-I'm okay. What happened?" She looks into my eyes, her green eyes sparkle.

" Well, when you blacked out, I called an ambulance and your father. He showed up on Rock with an ambulance behind him. They eventually tore Spring from you half an hour after you blacked out. And she was a fighter. The first time we touched you, she was just screaming, rearing and bucking. We tied her to a tree with Rock. Daisy stayed by my side when I was by your's. We loaded you up into the ambulance and drove you to the hospital. Your dad took the horses home while I stayed with you in the ambulance. You had a mild concussion and he fixed up your forehead. It was flowing blood when you first hit it. I've been here for two days. Helping, cleaning, making sure you were okay, and I slept here. Right where I am now." I smile.

" Wow. Is Spring okay?" She looks at me like I don't have a brain.

" Really? All you care about was the horse? If I was you, I would be worried about what I'm going to do and who I'm going to go with to the graduation party." I nod before hearing the door slam open.

" Hayley!" My mothers voice calls as she opens the curtains. She speeds in with Adam and my dad behind her.

" Mom! I-I can explain how this happened." She is shaking as she grabs my other hand.

" I didn't know until your father got back from putting Daisy, Rock and Spring in the barn. Oh, I thought I lost you." She kisses me on the head and Adam steps forward. He clutches my hand, tightly, and I look into his tearful eyes. She kisses my hand and speaks.

" When you rode away on Spring, I thought you would stop and turn back home. That's why I didn't go after you." I nod, understanding his words. When dad walks up, I almost slur my words as I quickly, but painfully, sit up.

" Dad! Dad! Is Spring okay? Where is she?!"

" Woah, slow down there buckaroo," he helps me back down.

" Spring is fine and in the barn." I sigh and relax.

" You can't be moving so fast in your condition. You have to be careful, because if you don't get better, the doctor can't and won't send you back home." I let out a faint whimper. I close my eyes and a single tear drops out of my eye. He slowly lets my hand go and pulls a chair beside my bed. Sara, who is still holding my hand, leans forward.

" What's the matter?" I look up to her, with red, puffy eyes.

" I just want to go home." I burst out in tears and sob over her shoulder.

" You know I will always be here for you. No matter what, who or when." I sit up straight and rub my eyes, freeing them of salty tears. I look in between everyone.

" Guys, I'm tired. Can I catch a little z's?" Dad, mom and Adam nod and leave Sara and I in the room. She chuckles to herself and closes the blinds. She sits on her comfy, new chair and shuts her eyes. I lay my head down and look in front of me. It's 12:26. I turn on my side and shut my eyes.
I get gently shaken awake and my eyes flutter open. Standing in front of me is a doctor, holding a clipboard. I stretch and carefully sit up. He sits down in Sara's chair and looks at me. Wait, Sara's chair? Where is she?

" So Hayley, how are you feeling? Nauseous? Weak? Like your going to black out?" I shake my head, but it hurts when I do that.

" No. I feel fine!" He smiles and writes something down on his board. He stands up and shakes my hand.

" Thank you, Hayley. You are free to go home now. But next time, try to stay on the horse." We both laugh and he walks out. As soon as he leaves, I slowly sit on the side of my bed. Sara bursts through the door and hugs me.

" Yay! Your free!" We both burst out laughing and she hugs me again. I pack up all my stuff, consisting of my clothes, flowers and my phone (which Sara brought when she first arrived). She walks me out of the hospital and into her truck. She has a metallic Ford F 250 and it's awesome! We towed Spring and Daisy in her trailer last year for the annual barrel racing competition. I won second and she won fourth. Daisy and Spring are usually sweet and nice to each other, but they are also very protective of their riders.

She starts the truck up and the engine roars. She drives out of the parking lot and makes her way down the road. We finally arrive back home and before she even parks the truck, I'm out of the truck and bolting for the barn.Ignoring the pounding pain in my head, I quickly slide the door to the side and quickly walk over to Spring's stall. She anxiously nickers as I approach. I kiss her soft, velvety muzzle and hug her big, golden head. Her coat dazzles and sparkles, she was most likely groomed not too long ago. I give a big smooch on her white star and walk back inside the house. As soon as I remove my boots and walk into the living room, Sara, Adam, my mom, and my dad are standing with a cake that says 'Welcome Home!'. My hand covers my mouth and a muffled laugh comes from behind it. Sara walks up and kisses my cheek.

" We're so glad your okay... and home!" I chuckle and we all walk into the kitchen, soon cutting the cake into pieces. We all talk for a hour, before we clean up. But, I wasn't allowed to clean up. So, I walk up to Sara.

" Hey, wanna go for a ride?" I see her smile from behind her.

" I'd love to, but, is  that good for how you are right now? What if-" I cut her off.

" Stop being a worry wart and bridle up!" I run to get my boots and we race to the barn, where we slip our bridles on and ride out.

Later, we stop at a tree fort we build some years ago and tie our horses to some hooks we nailed in to some posts. We stay there and talk, talk and talk. Spring and Daisy soon doze off and we have to wake them up to ride home. When were climbing down, Sara's face twists into a cringe.

" Daisy's hair is sticking into my leg!" I laugh at her, sarcastically, and we jump on our horses' bare backs. Finally getting home, I change and jump onto my very comfy bed, beside Sara, and nearly fall asleep instantly.

" Goodnight." Sara whispers.

" Night." Is all I can reply.

That horse is Sara's horse; Daisy.
Hope you liked this chapter!

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