Chapter 4

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A sudden grip grabs my shoulder and shakes me until my eyes fly open. Adam.

" Hey! You big-" He puts his index finger over my lips.

" Shh! Sara is still sleeping! Come feed the horses with me!" He violently whispers. I nod and silently close the door behind him, and change. I speed walk down the hallway and jump down the stairs. He is waiting outside with six apples in hand. I charge through the door and snatch a blood red apple out of his hands.

" Hey!" I smirk and take a bite out of it, it's juicy goodness flows into my mouth and down my throat. He pouts and starts walking to the barn. I trip him and he falls down, dropping three of the five apples.

" One on the bruised ones are going to-" I cut him off.

" Hey, I don't have a horse. Give one to Spring, and I will end you!" I snatch a perfect apple out of his hand and bolt for the barn. Sliding the door open, he grunts in frustration. I skip up to her stall and hold the apple just out of her reach. He slumps in and stops in his tracks.

" No Hayride. Don't do it." I evilly laugh and move towards Spring's stall door. She happily slurps it from my hand and Adam fake cries.

" Oh come on!" I grab another three and hand them out to Daisy, Rock and Dodger. He is left with a severely bruised apple and, unhappily, takes a bite. I laugh and jump up to the loft, where I throw down four flakes. He grabs the two and throws them into Dodger and Rock's stalls. I jump back down and give Spring and Daisy their breakfast. All of the horses throw their heads down and devour their hay. Adam and I casually walk back to the house.

I kick my boots off and skip to the kitchen. My dad and mom are sitting at the table, eating their breakfast. And at my Adam and I's seat, are peanut butter and jam bagels. My mom swallows a mouthful and turns to me as I sit down.

" Oh, Sara made breakfast. She just went back upstairs." I nod and grab my plate, heading back up to my room.

" Sara?" She pops her head out of my room.

" Hayley?" I take a big bite out of my food.

" Good morning!" I say with a mouthful of bagel.

" Morning! Sorry for sleeping in, but, I made breakfast!" I nod and show her my half bagel. We went down the stairs and she snatches a banana from the fruit bowl. I grab Adam's wrist and check his watch. 7:29. I stand and hurry to get my boots. I slip them on and hop out the door. I hear the familiar nickers from the horses and put each of their halters on. Leading them out, Daisy and Rock pin their ears at each other, but I clumsily separate them. Dropping Spring's lead rope, but she is a good girl and follows. I swing open the gate and quickly unclip the restless horses' leads. All except for Spring, who takes it slow. I feel that she understands what happened and maybe, just maybe, feels bad. I unclip her lead from her halter and she fast walks away, and when she is out of my way, she hightails ahead to catch up with the others. Sara calls me from the house and I run backs in, kicking my boots back off and slumping on the couch.

" I saw you and Spring out there," My mom sits next to me.

" Mom, it's; Spring and I. Not you and Spring." I correct her. We both laugh and she turns to me.

" Hayley Barnes, I am going to ask you a very, very serious question." I nod, understanding her simple words. When someone uses my full name, it's most likely serious.

" Are you ready to own, ride, groom, feed, water, and love a horse of your own anytime soon?" I feel my cheeks heat up in surprise and happiness.

" Mom, right now, I am very busy in graduating. I am the happiest person in the world right now, but I'm asking you, can we wait till I graduate?" I hear a familiar, annoying sigh. Adam. Mom looks me into my eyes.

" I understand. I felt that way when my parents asked me the same question the day I graduated." She kisses my head and walks back up the stairs. I hear the jingling of her keys and hear Sara yell;

" Bye, Louise!" From Sara. I pick my phone from my pocket and check the time. 7:59. I grab my bag and books, yell at Adam to get out the door and walk to the end of my driveway with my best friend. I get on first and she follows to the second back seat. Everyone knows it's my seat.

Well, I'm not popular, I'm not the 'School Nerd', and I'm not a 'Girly Girl'. Just one time someone sat in my seat, who was also a complete jerk, got the wind knocked out of him. Just because of two things. One, he sat in my seat. And two, he insulted Spring. I mean, come on! Why be mean to a living animal who can't talk for themselves. And I tell you, he didn't want to come to the back of the bus ever again. He now sits in the very front.

" So, what did you say?" She looks at me.

" To what?" Her face turns somewhat pale.

" TO GET A FREAKING HORSE?!" Everyone turns their heads back and stares.

" Oh, I said no." Her face turns even more pale.

" What?! B-but you've always wanted a horse! Now you don't want one? Okay, who are you? What did you do with Hayley?!" I put my hands up in surrender.

" Woah, Sara! I'm just waiting till we graduate. It's the perfect timing! Plus, it gives us more time to practice for barrel racing!" She happily squeals and claps her hands together.

" Oh right! I kind forgot about that." We both burst out laughing. The bus pulls to a stop in front of our school and we all get off. Another day to charm enough teachers to actual let me graduate. And another day closer to freedom.

Sorry if I get some things wrong for the school stuff. I'm not in high school yet, and in grade 7. But thanks for reading! I really hope you like this book!

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