Chapter 1

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Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!
I slam my palm down on my alarm clock, and it finally shuts up! I pull myself out of bed and check my clock. 4:30 am. Today is Wednesday, so it's my turn to feed, groom and put the horses out to the pasture. I slump past Adam's room and my parents' closed door. The floor creeks as I shuffle over and jump down the stairs, heading to the kitchen. I turn the coffee machine on and grab the newspaper from the mud room and set it at my dads chair. I run back up stairs and get changed into jeans, a shirt and a sweater that has 'Equestrian' written on the back. I trot back down the stairs, again, and slip on my brown cowboy boots. 

The barn fills with the familiar nickers and whinnies as I approach the hay loft. I throw each horse a flake, refill their water buckets and slip on each horse their halter. I spot a flicker of light coming from the house and I stuff my hand in my pocket, searching for my phone. I pull it out and check the time. 6:35, right on time. I dash back to the house and open the creaky door to spot my father sitting in his chair, sipping some steaming coffee while reading today's newspaper. I come up with this mischievous idea and over and behind him.

" Nice try, Hayley. I can sense the smell of any barn from miles." I pout and he gets up and kisses my forehead. Adam skips down the stairs and greets us good morning.

" Morning pops. Morning Hay bale."

" Good morning a dam. How was your sleep down by the river?" He chuckles and throws his arms up in surrender.

" Okay! You win." I laugh in his face and pop a bagel in the toaster. You see, we play that game every morning, calling each other names. I usually win, but he babies me. I pour myself a glass of orange juice and spread some strawberry jam my bagel. My mother walks down the stairs, all dressed and ready to go to work. She works at Sara's moms place, they run a horse whispering and training place on her property. She fills her to-go cup and snatches my bagel from my hands.

" Thanks, sweetie!" And walks out the door. I sarcastically scoff and make another one. After eating I look at the clock; 7:26! Crap, I forgot about the horses! I dash out of the house and into the barn. Spring is almost sleeping, Rock is being very impatient and Dodger is sleeping. I clip their leads on and lead them out to the pasture, quietly so my dad doesn't see. He doesn't like it when I'm late for things. I throw the lead ropes on a near by hay bale and sprint back to the house to finish up getting dressed. I sneak back up to my bathroom to brush my hair and teeth. Then suddenly, my dad yells,

" Hayley, bus will be here in five!"

" Okay. One minute!" I yell back.

" Well, now it's four minutes then." I hear him chuckle to himself and I roll my eyes. I snatch my bag from my room and skip outside to Adam, who is waiting at the end of the driveway.

" Just on time!" I yell as the bus pulls up. I hop on and walk to the back, sit down with Sara, and talk until we get to school.

7 hours later...

I finally get off the bus and Adam follows. I don't even bother to drop my bag off in the house, because I head straight to the pasture. I snatch up Spring's black lead rope and walk to the middle of the 5 acre pasture, clipping her halter on. Instead of walking her back, I swing myself on and ride her back. It only takes a minute to get to the gate and I jump off to unlock it. Dodger comes galloping down with Rock by his side. He whinnies out to us as we walk out and I lock the gate.

" Sorry, boys. I'm not riding you two today." I'm 'weird' that way. I talk to horses like they can understand me. Sara, says that they can't... but I think they can! 

I lead Spring to the crossties and grab some brushes. I am just about to start on her hooves when I hear someone burst out of the house and run to the barn. Rock and Dodger spook and charge back up the hill. I soon find out that Adam was the one who spooked them.

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