Chapter 13

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( Hey, I just realized that I didn't post a picture of Blue. So, here he is! )

I wake up to the sound of a long, loud whinny. Breakfast time. I, groggily, stand and exit the stall, shavings stuck in my hair. I throw Blue, Rock, and Daisy a flake and peek into I Spring's stall. Cody is sleeping in the corner, with Spring's head on his chest. That's cute. I drop a flake in, quietly. I walk into the tack room and grab a brown, leather bridle. Today, Blue is going to be trained to take a bridle. Weather he likes it or not. I swing the bridle over my shoulder and slip his halter on, leading him out of the barn. I open the gate to the round pen and he hesitates. I click my tongue, pulling on the lead slightly. He takes a few steps in, allowing me to close the gate. I unclip his lead and rest the bridle and lead on the rail. I take some steps forward, and he follows beside me. I walk around once and stop at the rail, where the bridle is hanging. I grab it and hold it out, letting him sniff it. He extends his long, graceful neck, ears pricked forwards, and takes a big whiff of it. He backs away, somewhat, and I walk towards him. I reach his shoulder and take his turquoise halter off, throwing it onto a bale of straw. I slowly lift the bridle up to his face and slip the crownpiece (which is a part of the bridle, if you didn't know) over his ears and he rears up half way. This isn't going to be easy. He backs away and lands back down with a snort.

" Easy Blue. It's not going to hurt you. See?" I say as I set it on my head, even though the bit hangs down to my neck. He sniffs me, cautiously, and tosses his mane. I take it off and, once again, put the crownpiece over his ears. Now knowing that it didn't hurt me, he was kind of okay. I slip my finger in his mouth and put some pressure on his gum, he opens his mouth and I slip the bit in his mouth. He sticks his tongue out and yawns, trying to get the bit out. I do up the throat latch, just enough to put two fingers in between his throat and the strap. I take the reins, which I threw over his neck, and gently tug on them. He follows obediently and when I ask for a trot, he trots!

" Good boy, Blue!" I praise, as I slow us down to a walk.

" Do you want to learn how to carry a human on your back?" I ask him, he tosses his head up and down.

" Yes? Okay then." I drop the reins and walk backwards, away from him. He raises his head and searches for me. He spots me, but doesn't move. Mom taught me this trick a while ago. I walk up to his shoulder and walk around him, almost asking him to follow. He doesn't move though.

" Good boy!" I say, patting his slightly sweaty neck. I grab the reins and flip them over his head, placing them on his withers. I apply some pressure with my hands on his back, and he looks at me. I drape my hands over his glistening back and he side steps once.

" Easy boy." I whisper. I jump on his back, feeling him tense up. I snatch up the reins just in time to hold on, while he bursts forwards. He pulls his head down, trying to rip the reins from my hands. I tug his head back up, now feeling how uncomfortable it is to ride in a dress. I, somehow, pull him to a stop and take the bridle off. He opens his mouth and closes it, liking the sense of no bit. He licks his lips and I give him a treat that was behind the fence. A clapping sound comes from behind me, making Blue prick his ears forwards.

" Good job, Hay. I'm surprised that you didn't get bucked off or even fall off." My dad says, stepping in the round pen. Blue steps in front of me, pawing the sand. Dad steps back, showing no fear or aggression.

" Hey, at least you got him to like you." He says holding his hand out for Blue to smell. He sniffs his hand and returns to his protective pose over me. I set a hand on his shoulder and walk forwards. He sees that my father is no harm and calms down, nuzzling me as I talk to dad.

" When can I visit Leon's tack shop? I still have a lot of work to do with Blue and the others. I will-" He cuts me off.

" I will take care of the horses, Hayley. Leon's shop hasn't been too full lately. He will be happy to see you." He hands me the keys to his truck, with the best trailer to haul tack and extra supplies. I smile at him and, happily, take the keys from his hand and walk over to his truck. I hop in and start the engine. Pulling out of the driveway, some idiot almost crashed into me. Twenty minutes later, I pull into the parking lot at Leon's Tack And Feed Shop. I step inside and the smell of new, fresh leather greets my nose. An older man waves to me from behind the counter.

" Hey Leon. How's the shop?" I ask, nicely throwing a smile at him.

" Okay, not as popular as we used to be. The shop down a few streets took our best costumers. We have a new shipment of saddles, bridles and some more useful stuff for your horses back at home." I thank him as he points me towards the back. I find rows on rows of saddles, bridles hung neatly on hooks, halters hung beside the breastplates and grooming brushes. After what seems like half an hour, I pick a nice, light brown saddle, a smooth black jumping saddle, two Western and English bridles, a new, light blue halter and a few other horse items that we need around the barn. I go to pay for them but when I glance at the screen, he has taken off the saddles and bridles.

" Leon! I can pay for these! You didn't have to do that." A smile plasters across his wrinkly face.

" Hayley, they're on the house. I've known you since you were a little filly. You are the sweetest, toughest, nicest and most helpful horse loving girl I've ever seen or met. You deserve all of that for you and your new horse." I side hug him.

" Thank you so much, Leon. See ya later, alligator." I say, pushing the door open.

" After a while, crocodile." He says as he organizes some grooming boxes at the front of the store. I load up all of my new tack and stuff up into the trailer, and drive back home. I love the feeling of getting new tack!

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