Chapter 30

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He wheels around on his hind legs and tears across the arena. No even two minutes ago, he bucked me off and now is bolting form one side of the arena to the other. I try to stop and calm him down, but it's no use.

I'm afraid that he will hurt his leg even more, now.

Cody and Sara come rushing in to find me limping, only a little, towards my crazed stallion. Out of the corner of my eye, I watch Sara hurdle over the fence and sprint towards me, putting herself in front of me.

" What did that stallion do to you?!" She demands. I grab her shoulders and smile.

" He just spooked or something and threw me. That's all. Don't always freak out about nothing, you track and field fanatic." I say to her. She rolls her eyes and takes me to sit on the mounting block. She competed in track and field from grade 7 to grade 11, and won many of times.

" A horse doesn't spook and stay spooked like this for that long, Hayley." She looks at me with worry in her eyes. I wrap my arm around her shoulder and rest my head against hers.

" I'm ok, just a little sore. Blue is going to be," I pause for a moment, wanting to really know the truth.

" fine." She rubs my arm and we hear a snort, I look up and see Blue in Cody's hands. I haul myself up from sitting down and take the reins, giving Cody a kiss.

" How'd you get him? Did you get hurt?" Sara questions. He shrugs and shakes his head, patting Blue's neck, lathered in white foam. I thank Cody and walk, well, limp back into the stables and untack Blue. I put him in his pasture and rest my head in my hands as I watch Blue take off to see River.

" Oh, Blue. What's gotten into you?" I murmur. I sigh and walk into River's pasture, palm flat with a treat. She crunches on it while I run my fingers over her barrel. Her tummy is slightly swollen, bigger than usual, but barely noticeable. She is carrying Blue's foal, only three months along. She nudges my arm, saying don't touch me there! And I walk back to the house. I call the vet and talk to him about Blue's behaviour. It's been going on for a couple of days and I've tried everything!

After an hour or so, we hang up. He said that he may just be over protective of his mate, or just paranoid. Cody walks in and sits himself down on a chair.

" So, what's up with our Blue boy?" He takes my hand, preparing me or himself for the worst.

" The vet said it may just be because he's protective over his mate. That's probably the reason, he is having all the symptoms. Bucking me off, running to the nearest gate or fence, sniffing her and keeping me or you from her, you know the rest." He nods and kisses my hand.

" Well, you know that I'm always here for you. No matter what." He smiles and goes to the calendar.

" Since its June, how many more weeks until you attend your fancy horse college?" I sarcastically laugh and point to the date I leave.

" I leave here, in four weeks. That'll hopefully be enough time to calm Blue down and maybe convince the manager or whoever that I can take him with me!" I excitedly tell him. He raises his eyebrows at me.

" Don't you think we'll have to geld him, though?" I shake my head rapidly.

" I really hope not. He is a beautiful stallion and his offspring will be as well." I confidently state. He throws his head back and laughs, bringing me in a hug.

" I love you!" He says while his face burrows in my hair. I check the time and start to prepare some pasta for supper. Cody joins in and sets the table for two. Oh, I forgot to tell you! We... Kinda... Moved in together! He has just been a great help and has supported me throughout everything. My kidnap, Blue's tendon problem, and everything else. I remember to secretly sneak in a cake I made, but didn't bake into the oven. Soon, shen we just finish eating dinner, I hear the alarm go off.

" What's that?" He asks.

" Oh, nothing. You can't look!" I push my chair out and jog into the kitchen, stopping the alarm and pulling the chocolate cake out. I grab the icing and strawberry sauce from the fridge and splatter the sauce all over it. Afterwards, I write ' Happy 9 Month Anniversary!' on it and back into the dining room.

" Close your eyes." I say. He places his hands over his eyes and I set it down in front of him, lighting a sparkler on the top.

" Okay, now. Open your eyes." I say to him. He tears his hands away from his face and grins form ear to ear.

" Oh, my gosh! You made this?!" He looks at me with his big, green eyes. I nod my head and he kisses me over and over.

" Hayley, thank you so much! Now, don't you want to find out how much this cake slays?!" I nod, holding in a lush, but failing and bursting out laughing, crying because it's so funny!

" Slays?! And of coarse!" We cut the cake, still laughing. He takes the first bite and he puts his fork down, staring at me and not chewing.

" This cake... I don't like it." He sits with a blank face. I feel very confused at the moment.

" Oh, okay. Do you want to-" He cuts me off, making my me jump because of how loud his voice is.

" I FREAKING LOVE IT!" He grabs another, huge, piece and stuffing his mouth full. I feel a weight lifted off my shoulders and let out a laugh that I wasn't even knowing I had in me. He walks around the table, chuckling as he goes. He kneels down beside me and wraps his arm around me in a gigantic hug. I hear him swallow the huge, chocolatey mouthful and he smiles with pieces of cake in his teeth.

" You are truly awesome!" I feel my cheeks heat up.

" Aww. Really? You are the more fun one." I say, poking his nose.

" No way! Anyways, I've got you a present also! Come with me!" He takes my hand and takes me outside, both of us in bare feet. He sees just one muddy puddle and sweeps my up, bridal style. I let out a squeak as he does so. He places me down in front of the stable door and makes me close my eyes.

" Trust me." He whispers in my ear. I nod and take a step inside. I take a couple more before being stopped.

" Okay, open your eyes." He says from behind me. I slowly open them and see these beautiful, strings of lights hanging from the roof. Pretty decorations hang from strings on the walls and he has a very quiet song playing. I turn around and kiss him. It's longer than expected, but I don't mind. He wraps his arms around my waist, I drape my arms on his shoulders, I intertwine my fingers behind his neck. We slowly start to dance, swaying from side to side. The horses watch from their stalls and I start to wonder how fast they got in here. I shake it away and rest my head on Cody's chest.

This is where I want and need to be. He erases all of my problems, just with an act of love and kindness. I love him. And he loves me. I hope that it will stay like that for a long time. Us in our big house, with kids maybe, rescuing and rehoming horses in need. That at least the happy ending I've always dreamed of since I was 10 years old. What couldn't be loved more than combing love, horses, (not to sound girly) boys, and 1 beautiful life to still be lived?

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