Chapter 11

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Blue sniffs the blue and black saddle pad, curiously. I slowly set the pad on his back. He leans away, heisting, but he soon accepts it. I turn and grab the saddle from the rail and turn back around. He extends his neck, cautiously sniffing the leathery saddle. I step up to his shoulder and he eyes me suspiciously. I swing it up onto his back and he lunges forward, bucking around the pen.

" Woah, Blue. Slow down!" He keeps going and I grab the black lead rope and tightly hold it, standing my ground. My hand jerks forward and Blue's head turns to me. I quickly dash up to him and try to calm him down, stroking his neck and mane. He rears up and snorts as he lands back down. After the anxious stallion calms down, I take the saddle and saddle pad off and let him walk around. Rock and Spring nicker and what it looks like is laughing at him. Blue swerves towards them and aggressively paws the sand. Spring backs up and leaves. But, Rock stays planted in his spot. Rock pins his ears and squeals at him, Blue bares his teeth. I walk up to blue and snap his lead on, leading him away.

" No, Blue. You're not allowed to fight. Well, he is a gelding and you're a stallion. I guess that is-" I get cut off by the sound of laughter. Sara is leaning against the railing, close to the saddle.

" So, now you are talking to your adopted, wild stallion." I scoff at her.

" Oh, shut up! I know you talk to Daisy sometimes." She frowns at me and grabs the saddle and saddle pad, hauling it back into the barn. I open up the gate and walk Blue back into the barn and into the crossties. He enjoys a few moments of grooming before being let out in his pasture.
" Hey, do you want to go to a party this Saturday?" Sara said, while looking down at her phone.

" Whose party?"

" Wes', it's at his place. Come on. Everybody is going!" I sigh.

" Well, Blue still has training and I-" She cuts me off.

" Blue has had enough training for the week. Just one party? Please?!" I throw my hands up.

" Okay. Fine. I'll go to that stupid party." She happily squeals and hugs me.

" Okay, now, when should we go shop-" This time, I cut her off.

" No shopping. You know that we both have perfectly fine clothes." She makes a friend face and runs to my closet, swinging the door open. She rubs her fingers across what I have and stops at a blue, knee high dress that I've never worn. She brings it out and smiles at me.

" Yes, you can wear it. And also have it." She jumps into my bathroom and I stand, walking towards my closet. I pull out a red maxi dress and a white, above the knee dress. She walks out, looking pretty in her new dress, and squeals.

" Oh, my gosh! You have to wear the white one!" I debate on which one I will wear.

" Yeah, but the I'll have to shave my legs, and with the red one, I don't." She scoffs at me, snatching the red dress from my hand.

" Lazy." She mutters. She takes my dress, exits my room and then comes back in five minutes.

" Okay, what did you do with my dress." She shrugs her shoulders and shoves me into the bathroom, soon throwing a pair of shoes, wait. Wedges. Ugh! I go to open the door, but she closes it once I open it a crack.

" You ain't coming out until you are dressed in that dress and am wearing those heels." I mumble words, mocking her under my breath. After five minutes of slight struggle, I walk out and watch her eyes nearly pop out of her head.

" Oh, my god. I'm sorry, did it just get hotter in here or was it you?" I laugh at her attempt to make me war this.

" Haha. I am not wearing this. This isn't me." She completely ignores it and shushes me.

" Now stop. You are gonna wear this and go to Wes' party. Cody can come if you want." She pushes me back into the bathroom and I change back into my regular clothes. I walk out an  toss the dress and shoes on my bed. She drops her phone and quickly folds my dress and places the heels, neatly, back where they came from.

" Don't want any wrinkles in your gown."

" Ha. It's barely a dress. More like a fancy, long shirt." I pull her out of my room and we walk down the stairs and slump down on the couch. She turns the T.V on and switches to Netflix. She presses Gossip Girl and I huff.

" No!" She sticks the remote under her butt and smiles.

" It's this or nothin." I sink further into the couch and text Cody.

" Hey, party at Wes' place. Wanna join?" He texts back

" Sure. Luv u." My heart drops and I show Sara.

" Dude, did he just say... Love?" She frowns at me.

" Why? Is it a crime? This is a good sign!"

" Well, we're only so far in on our relationship, and what do I text back?!" She shrugs and replies.

" Say: Luv you too!" I sigh, once more and text him back.

" Love you too!" I turn it off and sit back, miserably watching Sara's favourite show. 

Cody's POV

Did I make the right choice texting: Luv you? The good thing is that she texted it back. Whew! I walk into my room and open my drawers, searching for something she may like. A black muscle shirt, no. A graffiti shirt, maybe. I grab my shorts and converse, now ready to try to impress Hayley on Saturday.

Hayley's POV

She finally finished her tenth episode, when my mom comes in through the door. She looks tired.

" Hey mom." I call.

" Hey mom." Sara copies. I throw a glare at her and my mother walks in.

" Hey girls. Listen, I've already eaten and am exhausted. I love you two, so goodnight." And with that, she slouches up the stairs and into her and dad's room. Speaking of which, where is he? I grab a cinnamon roll out of the fridge and take a bite out of it. Sara sneaks up behind me and breaks off half of it. She swallows and starts to laugh, so hard, she even snorted. That made me laugh as well. Oh, the good times of having a great, best friend.

Yay! Guess what? School is out for two weeks! I think... Yay for Christmas! Hey, how did you like Cody's text? Or her reaction? I'll post a pic of her outfit the next chapter! Thanks for reading, voting, commenting, and sharing!

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