Chapter Eleven

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Anna POV:

I get to see my Daddy today! I'm just so existed! I just can't wait! I could barley sleep last night. Mommy had to come and sleep with me. It was hard to sleep knowing I get to see my daddy the next day. I do like mommy's boyfriend but I want my daddy.

My mom got me out of the tub and dried me off. She got my into a cute little outfit. It had black leggings with a red shirt and a little black jacket. With my favourite boots. And mommy put my hair in a bun just like I asked her too.

"You look so beautiful, Baby girl." Mama said.

"Tank you! I look just like my Mama!" I giggled and got in the car. Mommy drove to Uncle Ezra's coffee shop. He is getting married to my Auntie Ari! I can't wait. We went inside and I ran to Uncle Ezra.

He picked me up and hugged me. "Uncle Ezra! I get to see my daddy today! I chat wait! I could barley sleep last night!" I giggled as I said that.

"I'm glad you're happy, Honey."

I smiled and sat with Mommy waiting for my daddy. Mommy was always early. She was never late. Ever. If Mommy was late it's like that thing where they fight. Eric says it all the time. About-world war three! That's it. Mommy was a bit crazy but I love her.

I sat and drank my chocolate milk. I was so existed. I saw my daddy walk through the doors. I ran to him and hugged his legs. "Daddy!"

Daddy picked me up and hugged me. "Such a beautiful girl." he kissed my cheeks.

I giggled. "Mommy's over there."

He brought me over to the table and sat down with me on his lap. "Spencer."

"Toby." mama said. "How have you been?"

"Good. So...You're getting married, I heard?"

"Yeah. To my boyfriend Eric."

"Well at least you're happy and moving on."

"Yeah. I guess."

"You're so adorable, Anna." Daddy said and kissed the top of my head. "And beautiful. Just like you're mommy."

I giggled again. "Uncle Ezra gave me chocolate milk!"

"He did? Before or after you were already hyper?"

"After." I grinned. "Mommy takes me to Aunt Ari's house after Uncle Ezra gets me hyper."

Toby laughs. "Are you good for mama?"

"Maybe. Maybe not. Most of the time."

Mama laughed. "She gets out of hand sometimes. Like when she gets into the candy. She goes crazy for candy. She loves candy."

"I do!"

Toby POV:

As I sit with my daughter on my lap I realize how much she's like Spencer. But also me. She has Spencer's hair and nose but she's got my eyes. She acts like me sometimes. She also acts like Spencer. She's the perfect little girl. I just wish I was there from the start. I will get my family back including Spencer. I won't let the woman I love marry some guy. I deserve her. I want her. I miss her. I miss every single thing about her. I just love her and will have her back.

I took Spencer and Anna for ice cream than we walked around. I took them to my house. Anna was getting tired so I put her in my bed to sleep.

I sat on the couch next to Spencer. I grabbed her beautiful face with both hands and kissed her with so much passion. Spencer kissed me back. I was shocked. I pulled her on my lap and held her by the waist. Clothes started coming off and we were getting hot and heavy.

About an hour later she was in my arms naked. "So you don't love Eric."

"Not really. My mother introduced us."

"I want you back, Spence." I played with her hair and kissed her neck.

"I want you back too, Toby." she turned on her side so she was facing me. She looked up at me. "Be mine?"

~So I was planning on updating last night. Long story short, I fell asleep. Sorry. But here's my new chapter. Tell me your thoughts. Oh and read my other Spoby and PLL books! It would be a lot to me! Love all my readers!
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