chapter 10

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Spencer POV

I miss him everyday. He's been gone for three years.

I go upstairs and still on Eric. "Hey.'

"Hey, Baby."


"Is Anna okay?"

"Yeah. She's just downstairs. She's watching tv."

"Okay. We still have to plan our wedding."

"Yeah I know."

Eric kissed me. I kissed him back.

"So who was at the door?" Eric asked.

"Umm...Toby. Anna's birth father."


"I'm sorry.

"dont be. It doesn't matter. We got some wedding planning to do, Baby."

I smiled. "I know we do." Anna ran in our bedroom. "Mama! Eriw!" She crawled on the bed and giggled.

"Are you excited to be a flour girl?" Eric asked.

"Uh huh! I can't wait till you and Mama get married!"

I smiled. "I can't wait either."

Eric got up and got dressed for work. He kissed me than kissed Anna's forehead. "I'll see my girls later."

"Uh huh!" Anna giggled. Anna hugged him than played with her dolls on our bed.

"See you later. I love you," Erica said than left for work.

"Mama, who was that man that was here earlier?"

"Just an old friend, Baby girl."

"Okay." She went back to playing with her dolls. I heard the door open and someone walking upstairs. Hanna, Aria, and Emily appread in the door. "Auntie Hanna! Auntie Ari! Auntie Em!" Anna squealed as she ran to them and hugged their legs. They all laughed. "Don't even say it! I know I'm adorable!"

I laughed as I smiled and watched my beautiful daughter. "You are adorable."

"I already said I know that, Mama." Anna said being sassy like she always would be. I could see so much of me in her but also a lot of Toby in her. I think she deserves to know about her father. Toby deserves to be in her life. He is her father after all.

Emily picked Anna up and held her. "Toby's in town."

"I know. He stopped by."

"He did? What's does that as-I mean what did he want?" Hanna said.

"No swearing, Auntie Han!"

"I stopped myself before I did."


"He just wants to be in her life. That's all."

"Maybe its for the best if he is."

"I'm thinking about it. Hey, Anna, go play."

Emily put Anna down and she ran to the living room and played with her Barbies in the big pink house she had. I loved seeing he play. "I want Toby to be in her life. He's her father."

"Than let him. He deserves to know his daughter and Anna deserves to know her father. She deserves a daddy. Her real daddy."

"I know I know."

We talked for a bit and than they left. I made Anna lunch and heard a knock on the door. I opened it and saw Toby. "I told you I'd call you."

"I know but I want to see my baby girl. I want to see you." He grabbed me and kissed me. "I had to do that again. I just had to. I miss you, Spence. I miss you."

"Toby, please. Just let me think. I'll call you later."

"Fine." He kissed me again than left.

I went to the kitchen and sat on a chair where the island was. Anna was right next to me. I heard my phone and grabbed it.
There was a picture of me and Toby kissing and the text said: Well, isn't this interesting. Wonder what your hubby to be would think. I wonder. Looks like your hubby to be won't even become Spencer Hasting's husbamd kisses-A

~OMG! I'm so sorry about no updating. I've had writers block and a bunch of stuff happened and I've been busy. SORRY!!!!! Please forgive me.

SPOBY FOREVER! Comment and Voteeee!!!!!!!!

After finding out Toby is helping A |NOT WRITING ANYMORE|Where stories live. Discover now