Chapter 2

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I can't stop crying I really loved Toby he loved me for who I am. I just wish that I didn't yell at him or slap him I wish I could have asked him why he was helping A. I never want to leave my bed I'm going to watch sad movies and eat ice cream for the rest of me life. " spencer Aria's here " my mother yelled up to me. " k " I yell back trying not to cry. " hi spence "aria says than sits next to me and gives me a hug. " Aria I miss toby " I say as I hug her and cry into her shoulder. " Spencer it's going to be ok " she says. " aria it's not the love of my life the one guy that I had sex with the guy that made me feel better the guy who kissed me is f*cking A " I say. " you had sex with toby?" she asks. " oh I forgot to tell you I think I told Han and Em sorry aria " I say. " it's ok, not to make you cry even more but how was it?" she asks. " it was great. even better than great. but I thought that we where forever after that " I say. " spencer it's ok " she says. " aria dont you see toby left me he's on the A team " I yell.

Sorry it's so short I have to do my story for my ELA class it's due tomorrow I have 2 words down ugh have to upload other chapters to my other story's to

After finding out Toby is helping A |NOT WRITING ANYMORE|Where stories live. Discover now