Chapter 7

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Spencer POV

" Hanna I can't be pregnant I'm spencer Hastings I can't I have to graduate and go to collage "I say." Spencer me, Aria , and Emily will help you know they will "Hanna says. " I'm just going to go to sleep I will text you when I wake up "I say than show Hanna out.

I go up to my room and lay down. I turn on the tv a watch the notebook. I look at my phone I got a text from A

" poor Spencer, knocked up and all along no help no boyfriend only the other bitches what will your parents think. your not a perfect Hastings anymore nobody is going to wanna be with you when they find out you have a baby by the way I know who's the new school slut at rosewood high kisses -A "

Great now A knows Toby's going to find out now. when I have my baby and they ask where is there dad what am I going to tell my child? that there dad was helping the person who wanted to ruin my live and kill my best friends and me than I got pregnant and blocked him out. no.

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After finding out Toby is helping A |NOT WRITING ANYMORE|Where stories live. Discover now