Chapter 5

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Hey sorry I haven't updated I'm really busy and I'm sick but here's chapter 5

Spencer POV

I call Hanna.


Hey spence

I'm late

Do you mean late as in


Well maybe it's because of all the stress that you have been having

No Han me and toby like 2 weeks


Spence it's going be ok

No it's not Han I will be a single mother if I keep the baby

I will help you and if toby knew he would come back and help you with the baby

I can't do this Han I'm not going to be ok. if toby found out which he will i don't want him to try to help with this baby

Spence this is his baby

I don't know for sure

Take a test

I can't


I can't just walk into a store in rosewood and buy a pregnancy test people will start rumours an my parents will find out

Ok is Melissa there?

No she's in DC with my parents

I can get it

No the same thing will happen



No spence I'm getting it for you my mom finds out I will tell her why If thats ok with you?

Yes your not getting in trouble for getting something for me

Ok be there in 10

Kk thanks

Your welcome bye


Hanna POV

After I get off the phone with spencer I grab my keys and jacket.

I get the test I drive to Spencer's house.

She opens the door and hugs me.

" I got it " I say than hand it to. " thank you so much Han your the best " spencer says than goes into the bathroom.

Spencer POV

" Thank you so much your the best "I say than go into the bathroom.

After I take the test, than look at it. than I go out to see Hanna.

" Hey um so? " Hanna says. I give her the test.

Sorry for leaving it like this. but do u think that spencer pregnant. if she is will toby come back? will she let him take care of the baby with her? or will she give the baby away? comment and vote. tell me what you think is she pregnant? comment and vote

After finding out Toby is helping A |NOT WRITING ANYMORE|Where stories live. Discover now