Chapter 1: The Last Day of School

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CHAPTER 1: The last day of school

Never Say Never. N-Never say never------

Ugh I hit my stupid alarm clock. Yes I liked that song because it inspired me and pushed me to do my best but it doesn’t automatically make me a belieber. I got up of my bed when my Parents-------- I mean God Parents called me to come down. I did as they said. “What’s up” I said plopping down on the couch. “Well you know how I said that we enrolled you into a special High school, well the interview is today” Replied Suzan. Suzan was my Godparent/stepparent well more like mum. The reason that I have no parents is because well they died when I was a kid. And Suzan and Joe, my other Godparent, or should I say Dad, are the only family I have. They were really good friends of my parents. And that’s all I know and remember. “Earth to Abigail POTTER!” said Joey as he waved his hands in my face. “Oh sorry! And what?! That stupid Private High school! Can’t I just go to a normal High school with my friends?!” I basically screamed at them. Yes my name is Abigail Potter. And yes they are sending me to a private school for some reason; I don’t even think we can afford it! I was so mad. I ran upstairs and shut my door. I looked in the mirror, I wanted to cry. My life sucks! I have no say in anything, no parents, no siblings, and I just wish my parents were alive. I stared in the mirror. I don’t get how people thought I was pretty (She is very pretty). I had Red velvet hair, nope it’s not my actually my natural hair colour, my natural hair colour is dark brown, but Red velvet suits me. My hair is really long, it’s up to my waist and it’s straight. I have blue eyes, a small cute button nose, and really nice lips. I had the longest eye lashes, everyone points that out, and all my friends say that I wear mascara, truth is I don’t. I don’t even wear makeup, not to brag or anything but I’m naturally beautiful, and I’m not trying to be stuck up, I know I’m not the prettiest girl out, well that’s what I think but my friends think I’m the prettiest girl they have ever seen, but I don’t like makeup, it just ruins your face and cakes you. Natural is the way to go! Besides my hair of course, because it’s definitely not natural. I sighed and got up. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. Well I guess I have no other choice but to attend the interview, maybe I could stuff it up because private schools are really strict. Yes this is the last day of Middle School so I have to find a High school fast! I guess I should just go to the private school. Suzan and Joe said they are spending all their life savings just to enrol me! But why would they want me to go to that school so bad. I sighed at the thought. Oh well, they have done so much for me so I should at least make them happy and proud. I was disrupted from my thoughts when Suzan called for me to hurry up and get ready to go to school. Yes my interview was after school. I go to Barrington Middle school; I live in America, well actually New York. I love it here! I got dressed and put a low cut Yankees shirt some shorts and Vans. I put a little lips gloss on and some perfume. I had a mysterious locket that had a snake on it. I put my snake locket around my neck and yes I have always had that mysterious locket ever since I was a baby, I wore it everywhere, I asked Suzan or Joe if they knew what it was but they said no. And yes I go for the Yankees obviously because that’s the New York team. I love baseball. Truth is I love many sports. I play basketball and I do dancing, all styles, also I’m part of the Cheer Squad. Well not gonna be any more since this is the last day of Middle School for me and then I’m off the High school! I grabbed my bag; put my books in there and my homework. I’m a straight A student and I’m proud! I seriously don’t care if people call me a nerd, because they will probably end up working for me in the future. I giggled at the thought. I finished packing my bag. I ran downstairs grabbed an apple, kissed Suzan and Joe on the cheek goodbye and ran outside. I waited for the school bus on the nearest bus stop. I waited 5 minutes and the school bus arrived. I ran on, I was wondering around trying to find my 2 best friends Ariana and Elle. I kept looking until I spotted a girl with blonde long hair and blackish streaks, she had an emo type of hair cut, my hair was way longer and I had bangs. Yes the girl that I was describing was Ariana, she wasn’t emo or anything, it’s just that she likes to play around with her hair and honestly I loved her hair cut. She had the same style as me. She waved at me and gestured for me to come sit with her. I walked to her and noticed that Elle wasn’t there. Oh I’m such a dork. I have been catching this bus every day of my school years and I stilled haven’t realised that Elle was the next stop after me. I looked at Ariana and she was wearing shorts with a blue tank top. She was really pretty but people say not as pretty as me. “Hey Girl!” Ariana said as she hugged me and kissed my cheek. I hugged and kissed her cheek back. “Hey Bitch” I said in a you-know-I’m-Joking way. We always offend each other but we know we are joking. We talked for like 2 minutes until the buss stoped at Elle’s stop. We saw her walk in. She had short Dark brown/goldish and wavy hair and was really pretty and had sort of an elegant look. She was wearing high shorts with a cute blouse and High heels, yes I said High heels, you’re probably thinking what girl wears high heels to school and Elle’s your girl.

She came on and sat behind us. “hun” She said with her really high voice. “Hey Bitch number  2” I said as we all laughed. Ariana and I hugged her----------5 minutes passed As soon as we knew it we arrived at school. Today was our last day, it was sad because I’m leaving Elle and Ariana to go to a stupid Private school. I have no choice though. I sighed at that thought. We walked into school and I we went to our lockers. Ariana was 5 lockers away as well as Elle’s locker being right next to mine. My locker was really stylish and had a mirror in it. It had heaps of pictures of me and my girls! And it had one picture of my mum and Dad, and also this mysterious boy in the picture too in the background playing with his toys. Who is he? Just then I had a flash back! [FlashBack]

I was a baby. I was walking around the house, I looked 1 year old. Just then mysterious boy appeared, he looked 1 year old and like me.... He was holding a bottle of milk. Just then the ground started to shake. And as that happened my flashback turned black and I was brought back to reality. [FlashBackEnd]

When I was having my flashback my scar hurt. Yes I had a scare on my forehead the shape of a Lightning bolt. I don’t know where it is from or why it’s there. Oh well, I shook the thought away and turned to Elle. “Please tell me you have Maths with me first period” She asked me.”Aw sorry Elle, I have Extension Math, you know I am in the top maths class” I replied. “Aw damn it! I’m so bad” She said as she pouted. I giggled and closed my locker. I went to class and the day went heaps quick, I packed my locker and said my final good buys to everyone. Yes I cried heaps. I had never felt this way. I caught the bus with Elle and Ariana and when it came to my stop I cried again, I promised Ariana and Elle that we will continue staying BFF’s and that we will catch up during the summer. I waved them good bye and walked back home. When arrived at home I saw that Suzan and Joe still were at work. I sighed and went to get a drink. Just as I did something dropped from our mail slot from our door. I walked to it and it had ‘Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry’ written on it. I have heard rumours of a place called Hogwarts and I have heard rumours that there are such things as Wizards and witches, but the weird thing is, why was this letter Written to me. And is there really such a place as Hogwarts?! Just as I was opening the letter I heard a door open. It was Suzan and Joe. As they saw me opening the letter they gasped. Why did they GASP?

I'm a wizard and so Is Justin Bieber? *DISCONTINUED* Where stories live. Discover now