Chapter 9: The dream about Justin

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Chapter 9: The Dream about Justin.

It has been a few weeks since the Ballroom lesson, Justin had to go away for a bit because he was ‘going on a holiday with his family’ but really was recording a new song and is coming back in a few days. In 2 weeks it will be the Valentine Ball (and I still don’t have a date) and also it will be the day after Valentine’s Day. It was ashame that we couldn’t have the ball on Valentine’s Day though that’s the day every couple go’s to Hogsmeade.

Hermione and I were walking to Herbology at the greenhouse with Professor Sprout. Lucky for us Gryffindor’s we have Herbology with Hufflepuff’s instead of Slytherin. “Ah welcome fifth years everyone please take a seat” announced Professor Sprout. Me and Hermione chose a spot and wondered where Harry and Ron were. “As you all know the O.W.L Exams will be coming up and I reassure everyone to pay attention in class” the Professor Lectured. She continued on her lecture until 5 minutes later Harry and Ron rushed in with their books everywhere and their robes a mess. “Ah Potter, Weasley why are we late” Asked Professor. Everyone had a relieved look that Harry and Ron disrupted Professor Sprout from her boring lectures. 

“Sorry we slept in” said Ron nervously. “Humph, since you both are late, 5 points each will be taken of your houses and now take a seat” As the Professor said this everyone from Gryffindor groaned. “We are never going to win the house cup because of those two” I heard someone grumble. “Who cares about the House Cup when you have your O.W.L exam’s soon” Continued Professor Sprout with her lecture.


“Thank goodness that class is over” Shuddered Hermione. “I know I couldn’t take any more of her stupid Lectures” added Ron.  They were totally right! Professor Sprout had the longest and most boringest Lectures. I looked to my side and Harry looked sad. “Harry what’s up” I asked with curiosity. “Nothing...It’s just that” He sighed...He came closer to me and whispered “I asked Ginny to the ball but she declined me because she said she was going to go with Justin” He added. She was going to go with Justin?! Wait why am I mad? “Oh well are they definitely going together” I asked. “Well she said she was going to wait for him to come back from his trip and ask him” Harry replied. “Oh well you know just saying if Justin declines her maybe you can ask her again”. “Good Idea, thanks sis” Harry said as he hugged me. I chuckled, “Anytime”.

We all walked to Charms with Professor Flitwick. The day went by quickly and soon later it was Dinner. “Attention students; Hogwarts has a new defence against the dark arts teacher” Announced Dumbledore. He pointed to a middle aged woman who wore a pink dress who was very small. “This is Dolores Umbridge” He added. “She will be teaching throughout the ye---“At that moment Dumbledore was disrupted by this new professor. “Thank you Dumbledore, I think they have heard enough from you” She announced proudly. Everyone gasped. “No one interrupts Dumbledore” I heard Fred Weasley gasp. “Well everyone I’m proud to say that I’m teaching defence against the dark arts because it is a very important subject that all wizards need to learn” Umbridge added. “Yes it’s important because we need to know how to defend ourselves from dark creatures such as Voldemort” shouted a sixth year from HufflePuff. “DO NOT SAY THAT NAME; and this is all LIES; and YOU-KNOW-Who is not coming back!” Screamed Umbridge. Everyone fell silent and after a few seconds chatter started to build up. Umbridge quickly sat down looking like she regretted what she just said but at that moment she caught my eye and slowly anger filled through her expression.What’s up with her?” Ron asked. “Who knows” 

After dinner we all went back to our common rooms.  Just then my scar started to really hurt and I could see the same happening to Harry as we both rubbed our scars. “Hey guys, I’m gonna go to bed” I said walking up the stairs to the girl’s dorm.

I quickly jumped into bed and just slept. Just then I was in a dark room. I was walking cautiously. “Justin!” I screamed. Just then I heard something slither. It must have been my imagination. Then I saw a tail lurk from the door and it became clearer that it was an unusually large snake. I screamed. It slithered trough the door and I couldn’t help it but I followed. As I entered this mysterious room I saw Justin lying on the floor with all snake bite marks scattered around his body. I screamed. Suddenly the snake bit him again and everything went dark.

I woke up panting so fast and I let out a small scream. I had sweat all over me, and I couldn’t help but get the feeling that Justin was in trouble. There was something telling me deep inside that this was truly happening.


Thanks for reading; 

in the 4th book the dream occured but with Harry and instead of Justin Bieber it was Ron's Dad (Mr Weasley) or so that's what I recall;

I don't own any of the characters besides my own and all Rights reserved to J.K Rowling (Her events and Characters and etc) 

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I'm a wizard and so Is Justin Bieber? *DISCONTINUED* Where stories live. Discover now