Chapter 13: Justin's secret

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After my encounter with malfoy, I sprinted back to the Great Hall to find Hermione still seated at the exact spot where we were both eating. 

I told her all about what Malfoy had said and she looked confused and suprised. 

"So Justin has a secret... he isn't who we all think he is?" She asked, her left eyebrow slightly higher than usual. 

"Yes, and we need to find out as soon as possible, I think Malfoy was hinting that this secret could save Justin!" I proposed in a hushed but forced whisper. 

I wonder where Malfoy is now I thought to myself. I definitely need more answers. I needed to find Malfoy. 


I headed up to the Slytherin table. I noticed Crabbe and Goyle were eating like the pigs they were, without Malfoy. 

"Do any of you butt-heads know where Malfoy is or have any idea where he went?" I asked them, allowing my hand to hit the table loudly resulting in a Crabbe sadly dropping his half eaten muffin on the floor. 

"Why do you want to know... do you have a little crush on wittle Malfoy" Goyle mocked then looking at Crabbe whilst giggling. 

I sighed and rolled my eyes. 

"If you see him tell him that I came looking for him"  pleaded in an annoyed tone, knowing they weren't going to help. 

Before I walked away an arm stopped me. I looked up to reveal a pointy faced Pansy Parkinson.

"I hear your looking for Malfoy" she let out  in an evil tone. 

"Yes and if you have no idea where he is, don't bother talking to me" I said and walked away. Again her arm stopped me. 

"I never said I didn't know where he is" She affirmed, her eyes becoming more concentrated. 

"Where is he?" I exasperated.

"Last time we talked which was like 10 minutes ago, he was going to the boys bathroom" she informed me before sitting back down in her seat. 

I headed towards the boys bathroom which wasn't too far. When I arrived I heard violent sobs from inside. I ran in and saw Malfoy at a sink, crying whilst looking at his reflection. He spotted me in the reflection and quickly stopped, he turned around and looked taken aback. 

"What do you want" She asked darkly. 

I had no idea what to say, Malfoy, who is as evil and heartless as can be was sobbing, violently. 

"A-Are you okay?" I stuttered, walking closer to him. 

He looked down. 

"No" He admitted, allowing a tear to roll down his pale cheeks. 

I walked even closer, until we were face to face. He looked up, surprised at how close we were. 

"Malfoy, what's wrong?" I asked, peering into his grey eyes. 

He hesitated but I gave him a willing gesture, I put my arm on his shoulder and comforted him, allowing him to open up. 

"It-t-t's my father... he, he is forcing me.... to become a death eater" He trembled, and looked me back in the eye. 

I gasped. 

"A death eater?! But you are so young" 

"They say young blood is better" He stuttered back sadly. 

"Malfoy, I know that is not who you are, don't listen to your father, fight back, show him how strong you really are!" I encouraged. 

"The thing is, they will kill me.. they will kill me if I say no! I already have the dark mark, he revealed to me a skull unravelled by a snake on his bare arm. 

I gasped yet again. 

"I'm already one of them" He declared. 

"Malfoy, you don't need to be one of them. You can help me, I can help you" I assured, allowing a smile to appear upon my lips. 

I saw Malfoys eyes travel from my own pair to my lips. He looked back up at my dark eyes and then to my lips again, until the distance between us was broken, and his lips fell on mine. It was such a passionate kiss, it was slow paced, our lips in sync. He then began to deepen the kiss by sticking his tongue in, whilst moving his hands up and down my body, me playing with his hair. He then turned me around and sat me up on the sink whilst I wrapped my legs around his torso. The kiss went on until a cough erupted from the door way. 

It was Justin, and he was alive. 


"What are you doing?!" He yelled, bewildered at Malfoy and I's actions. 

"What's it to you Bieber" Malfoy replied, glaring at the alive Justin. 

"Justin what happened?! How are you here, I thought you were petrified" I asked, running up to him, lusting for answers. 

"It's too dangerous to talk about it infront of a Death Eater!" he retorted, running up to Malfoy about to punch him but I stopped him in time. 

"It's not his choice!" I defended. This caused Justin to stop trying to escape from my grip. 

"Your defending him!" He asked with disgust. 

"He's not the only one with secrets" I replied in a monotone. 

"Well you know what! You can go fuck Malfoy for all I care, and when you realise who you should be trusting, you can fly back to me, but too bad I won't be there for you" He avowed before storming off. 


HOW DID YOU GUYS LIKE THIS CHAPTER!? tell me what you all think, and I will be trying to update a lot quicker now xxxx 

I'm a wizard and so Is Justin Bieber? *DISCONTINUED* Where stories live. Discover now