Chapter 15: Justin's concert

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"Hey, you’re awake!" Susan bellowed as I trudged down the stairs, obviously confused at my current state. 

"Yea, we got some exciting news! You got in to the Private school that we had got interviewed the other day. They were very impressed" Joe announced, giving me a hug and kiss on the forehead. 

I was astounded... this means that the events that took place in Hogwarts were really just a dream! 

I wanted to ask Susan and Joe about it, but maybe they would take it the wrong way and believe I was mental.... 

"Hey umm... I need to ask you guys something" I murmured as they shot each other knowing looks. 

"Do you know of a place named Hogwarts?" I asked slowly.

They looked at each other once again this time exchanging wierd glances. 

"What is a Hogwarts?" Susan snorted. Their humour gives me the message that Hogwarts was just a figment of my imagination, a place I wish I lived in, the adventures I wish my life would have conjured. 

I decided to shake the thought of Hogwarts away and catch up with my two best friends; Elle and Ariana. We all decided to meet up at the local mall to catch a movie. We decided to go with Never Say Never by Justin Bieber. The thought of Justin made me think about Hogwarts and the fantasy of Justin and I actually knowing each other and having a distorted relationship. This then made me think of Malfoy... and my brother? My brother? Do I really have a brother, if I didn't, why did I keep having those flashbacks that included that green light? 

These questions made my head scorch in pain, so I decided to shake them off and enjoy the movie. It was good catching up with Elle and Ariana, even though it's only been a week, but too me its been months. We talked about our life after Middle school and just about our plans for the holidays. 

"Guys Justin is having a concert!" Ariana squealed as she stared at the announcement on her phone in utter shock. 

"OH MY GOD WE HAVE TO GO" Elle yelled out, cheering along with Ariana. 

We then decided to get tickets, I wonder how it's going to be, it's wierd because the time at Hogwarts felt so real and I actually felt a connection, like I knew Justin. 


It was the day of the concert. Ariana, Elle and I were getting ready at my place.  Joe offered to drive us. 

I decided to let my long, red velvet hair out, leaving it straight and I wore high waisted jeans with a cropped top, as it was going to be quite hot and stuffy and I wore my Timberalnds. 

We left the house, saying bye to Suzan. 

The ride there was enjoyable and we were all so excited to see Justin, live. We had V.I.P tickets, that Joe and Suzan kindly bought for me, meaning that we would meet Justin. For some reason I was nervous, a little too nervous. 

When we finally arrived, we saw a football field worth of girls at the front, waiting in line screaming out for Justin. 

There were just so many girls, it was killing my ears. 

Luckily we had V.I.P passes because we would have been waiting for a while in line. Instead we just walked through, boasting and rubbing our passes in everyone’s faces. All the girls gave us death stares, obviously wishing they had those passes. 

The Concert was amazing and so enjoyable, I enjoyed this time with my best friends and Justin was actually really talented. We were lucky enough to scoot ourselves into the front row. We were dancing and singing along to one of his songs when he looked at me, he actually made eye contact.... with ME! But something out of the ordinary happened. 

"As long as you lo----" 

Justin had stopped singing, and was now staring at me. Everyone had gasped and when he knew what was going on, he cleared his throat and continued. And with that everyone had forgotten about what just happened and continued to dance. 

But something in me knew that something wasn't right.... 

It was finally time to meet Justin. We were chilling in the V.I.P room with a few other girls who were lucky enough to score V.I.P passes like ourselves. 

Soon enough Justin had entered the room. Everyone screamed out, besides myself... It felt abnormal to be excited over someone I have spent months with.... well in my fantasy. 

As he walked over to us, he looked at me once again. He had a confused expression on his face, he was hard to read. 

"Hey guys" he mumbled, and he gave us all a small wave. A girl beside me squealed and was about to jump onto him before a security guard had stopped her. 

The guard told us that we would have turns to spend time with him and take photos with him, about 5 minutes allocated to each person. It was an unusual system if you ask me. 

It was finally my turn, and I felt my body start to tremble. There was this wierd vibe between us and before I knew it, his hand had grasped my arm and he pulled me to a section where we were isolated from everyone. It was hard to hear what was going on due to the music playing around us. 

"Abigail?" He asked in a hushed tone as he looked deeply into my eyes. 


CLIFFHANGER WOOOOO! What do you all think is going to happen? What do you all think happened aswell, like why she thought it was all a dream... confusing but I love it! hahah please rate and comment xxxxx

I'm a wizard and so Is Justin Bieber? *DISCONTINUED* Where stories live. Discover now